You gotta feel for mercy players

And her old kit would once again over shadow the other healers as they are NOW.

The context of skill environment is not the same as the context of the usage of abilities. You can’t just shrug off context and pretend rez operates with no other factors.

You haven’t given a good reason why it shouldn’t, though.

I have, though. The point you tried to make was that Mercy benefitted from her teammates dying, and I explained why that’s wrong. She doesn’t benefit from her teammates dying, rez’s value is not determined solely by how many people she rezes.

Again, this is about how you personally feel about it, and isn’t an argument for rez being problematic or unbalanced.

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Not really… but hey! Whatever makes you sleep at night.

Do you honestly think people would choose other healer duos or solos over a healer that can literally bring a whole team back with one button?

Even if she wasn’t good in higher tiers that would still be a problem not a solution.

Well, it didn’t happen before and even when she got invulnerability, she wasn’t a must pick. Honestly don’t think the changes to the other supports will make her overpowered…

Yeah I fundamentally disagree with you.

By the simple fact that when you press a button it can result from anything from 1-5 people being brought back to life means it is very much just about how the ability interacts with the game, and not the situation surrounding it.

I press Q in this situation, only 1 person gets rezzed. I press Q in this situation, 5 people get rezzed. The only thing that differentiates those 2 situations is how many of my team mates are dead, within a certain area, within a certain period of time, when I press that Q. That’s all. Now we can slap ALL SORTS of situations on top of that. Hell, we can give it cast time, LOS, and then just imagine the Zarya and Mercy hide, so the Zarya can bubble Mercy while she rezzes the other 4 team mates through the cast t ime. We can imagine all sorts of stuff.

My point is I FUNDAMENTALLY DISAGREE with 1 button press resulting in 1-5 people being rezzed within a team based game with such low numbers of players on a team like this. I think 1 button press = 1 rez closes the door to all that gamey circumstantial nonsense, and still remains (as proven) incredibly powerful.

The rework was not for the sake of balance. The rework was to address the fundamental design flaw that became apparent.

I mean, they did before. :woman_shrugging:

But she wasn’t being used in pro play outside of niche Pharmercy and that’s the problem I’m talking about.

What’s problematic about that? A low skill hero like Mercy shouldn’t be picked a lot in pro play when you can provide way more with a hero that is high skilled like Ana. I honestly don’t see her not being viable in pro play as a problem…

To flesh out my pitch from earlier:
Leave valk(you’ll see why)
New ability: surge,
Whoever mercy’s rod is connected to is:
When healing:
Absorbs damage taken in a 1-3 second window
When attack boosting:
Applies a brief fortify like orisa’s for 1-3 seconds.

Now during valk, because the beam chains, you’re able to impose this surge on your entire team.

Now again I’m not an expert, but what if mercy countered huge burst damage(it needs a counter). And I think if you put her in a place where she’s the ultimate companion to your strongest player (like she’s their guardian angel) then she could be fun. Then the best mercy players would be the ones who are able to do this and strengthen their whole team.

I dunno just my two cents

Sorry but I’d much rather prefer Titanium’s idea. No hard feelings.

But it absolutely has everything to do with the situation surrounding it. Each rez does not automatically have the same value determined based on the amount of people rezed. Two rezes that each rez 3 people can have entirely different values. A 2 person rez can have more value than a 5 person rez. You can’t just ignore context and situations in which rez would actually occur, and the effects it would actually have on the game.

No, it’s not. Things happen before and after you press Q and those people are rezed that determine the value of rezing those people. Again, you can’t just ignore the context and situation, because the amount of people being rezed is not the sole factor in its value.

Then give an actual argument for why it’s bad that doesn’t rely on isolating it in a vaccuum.

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I’m not saying she needs to be picked all the time I’m saying even with that niche you rarely saw that hero. Blizzard wants to promote esport’s and that means spectating has to be varied. Owl suffered some debate about seeing the same team over and over again. The point is to put the supports in a place where they can all be used in some way and not just a very narrow niche. We have few supports as is.

Lol none taken. I’m just concerned because it seems to me that the issue isn’t mass rez or rez on a cd. It might just be resurect as an ability.

Like I said, not an expert, just kinda seems to be the thing based on this discussion.

Except spectating Mercy is by far, the most boring thing to do… I mean, how many times did you see them switch over to Mercy cam in the OWL?

All the supports right now are undermined by Mercy because she does everything. I’d much rather prefer old Mercy to return with changes. Here’s what I’d like changed about old Mercy:

I don’t really have a problem with the Mercy nerfs, and I’ve played a lot of her. I Played her because I like her character. Nothing has changed in that regard.

I do wonder however, if the rework and subsequent nerfs have truly made her less reliant on rez? It feels more like rez isn’t good enough to step on the toes of other supports (which does seem good). But I can’t see rez really being worth more than kits that provide more utility now.

Again, I don’t think this is a problem per se. She’ll still have her niche (pocketing a pharah, or on defense). Maybe things will work out.

What I wouldn’t give for one of the Devs to just come in and say “mass rez will never return” since I know for some people “No plans for a revert” doesn’t seem to be plain enough english.

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She is kinda fun but getting booped around and stunned by brig or exploded in second by hanzo is not that fun.

Or they just mean to say that mass Resurrect isn’t off the table completely… Slice and dice it all you want. For the first time, people who argue that mass Ress will not return are actually upset about what Blizzard said. XD

I’m Shooooook

Listen I don’t necessarily agree or disagree with either of you, but I know for a fact that quest isn’t some outlier when they say:

Honestly, no one has been too toxic in this debate, and while you both may disagree, quest’s is a perspective that exists in this community, as is your view.
At the moment I don’t want a revert. I know it isn’t problematic but it just moves a problem from one side of the isle to the other.
Maybe the focus should be finding a middle ground.

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