You could remove Resurrect, and Mercy would still be the best healer in the game

Ha, touchè


probably an ability that instakills her because of peoples hatred towards Mercy on the forums honestly.


Actually she needs to be reworked, not nerfed more on the already disastrous rework.

  • Resurrect is unearned and still effectively acting as her ultimate ability, given freely every 30 seconds and cumbersome to use
  • Standard kit is more powerful than her actual ultimate ability, if you can call it an ultimate ability (Valkyrie)… it’s more like a standard ability on a longer cooldown and longer duration
  • Skill ceiling and skill floor are currently very close to each other

Besides of which, Jeff himself recently said she’s fine. We’re stuck with a bad rework and so shall the community who are against Mercy.


Something like shallow grave/tazdingo for herself and anyone she’s connected to would be pretty good.

I never heard of that ability, and looking it up just gave me links to shallow grave the british crime thriller, lol. What’s it do?

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

False. Mercy’s GA is one of the only mobility abilties that can be body blocked, it’s also teammate LoS reliant unlike any other mobility ability. And it’s cooldown doesn’t start until her GA ends, so technically it’s not a “2 second cooldown”, it can be anywhere from 4-6 seconds between GA’s, similar cooldown to Dva boosters, except GA does zero damage/knockback.


I agree with your statement.

I mean they essentially removed Rez from her kit. Since it is very situational and needs good positioning of your team, which often just isn’t given.

That is why so many Mercy placer are complaining about the boring playstyle.

Unless I’m mistaken, and I hope I am, the shallow grave/tazdingo doesn’t appear to be a helpful suggestion.

EDIT: Clarified in the post below, I think. An interesting suggestion then.

An ally blessed with Shallow Grave, no matter how close to death, cannot die while under its protection.


It makes it so that the person can take damage but can’t go below 1 hp for a given time. It would work well with mercy’s ult when she is connected to her whole team. Not sure how long it would last but I think 2 or 3 seconds is pretty good. I think rez should be removed from the game and something like this would still keep her useful.

An interesting suggestion. At least it could be deemed as a more skillful and less obstructive ability for Mercy as it could require good timing and so helps introduce a potential to be a game changer if used at the right moment.

I’m still on the fence with her ultimate, Valkyrie, however. It doesn’t feel strong or special. A decent Mercy can already do most of what Valkyrie can do for Mercy. It’s essentially lazy mode for 15 seconds.


she has to stay consistently on someone

I think that is because rez is such a strong ability. You need to balance the character out so they weaken the other parts of her kit, like the ult.

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So essentially it’s similar to Halo, an idea I had 4 months or so ago.

I think having that is a good idea, but I still think that her Res will have to be somewhere - I would propose that it be exclusive to her Ult, even if that means balancing out her Valk to compensate for it. But of course, I’ve said this countless times before.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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Resurrect is the only thing that defines Mercy at lower tiers (such as those I am in). Without it she’d be passed in favour of Moira or double off-healer (Lucio+Brigette I’d wager).

Now as mechanical skill of your team goes up, the more useful Damage Boost is. Damage Boost is an amazing ability and if your DPS is hitting shots it changes the whole game. Mercy would still be the best healer in high tiers without Resurrect.

So I’ll give your point a B+. It’s mostly true but not universal.

without rez mercy would be a throw pick tbh

no reason to pick her over moira or ana if she didnt have rez

Well she’s the only healer who can heal through barriers/shields so she’s still the most consistent healer. Plus playing ana nowadays is really hard.

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A change I would like to see is for Mercy to have a base healing of only 45-50 hp/s, but have her able to charge up to 70-75 hp/s through staying alive and healing/boosting/gunning. You will get more reward for killing a Mercy (her healing rate resets), it will impact when Valkyrie is best utilized (although with Valkyrie she could probably charge it up faster) and it will add more skill and reward for those who play her well.

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Mercy can’t win a 1v1 with most low health heroes. Moira can.

Without rez, she can still build her team ult faster, heal through barriers, consistent healing, and kill Widowmakers.