You can't win with Tanks anymore in Gold or Plat

Play Orisa bunker or Hammond. They don’t know how to counter them.

Yes sym is even worse and ashe is hard broken.

Every DPS needs 0 skill to pull off something, while everyone else needs huge skil lto counter them.
delete every single DPS in this game!!!"!!°°!!""

Frankly the worst thing that can happen to a tank is usually his own team.

It seriously feels like teams go out of their way to make the absolutely worst comp imaginable.

Great WTF am I suppose to do with a Sombra/Widow/Genji/Brig/Baptist? I can go dive tank but heals are somewhat lacking and Bap isn’t the greatest at healing them. We got low dps and dps that are either invisible, flanking, or 5 miles away so the enemy’s most likely going to gun for me or the supports.

Or my favorite is 4 dps and a healer and not even one dps has any form of self heal.

That’s weird because in overbuff they still have much higher pick rates than the DPS in gold and plat with good win rates. So I wonder if all the data is wrong or maybe you are just exaggerating :woman_shrugging:

You can’t read the stats, tahnks for admitting.

Tanks are not the issue, the main issue is that DPS players tend to have this obnoxious behaviour of thinking they dont have to peel for them or assist them … or even shoot the shields.

I’ve lost countless fights because the DPS are solely trying to kill supports instead of following the tank’s target. Yes dudes, if a tank, a support AND a DPS attack one dude, theres no amount of healing that can save that target.



Lol saying that these heroes takes 0 skill in 2019…

And no these heroes are easy to counter. Stop feeding & play smarter / get better.

You cant get better/improve at the game if you just keep complaining on the forums how u died to these heroes who takes 0 skill & are ‘‘hard to counter’’ mate.


They take 0 skill1!!!

no remove every dps. They are all insanely easy to play. I can pop off of them too, but i hate them.

i litterly have no option coutnering this heroes.

Reported. Troll somewhere else.

Well if you want to troll on here go ahead.

But you will still not get better if you keep complaining.

U 2 man.

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There is 0 i can improve to kill reaper or mei. Both are annihalting every single tank in the game.
Stop making it look like that i’m bad, these heroes are hard broken.

Overwatch is sadly hard counter game. You can’t expect to fight the reaper as a tank. Avoid him or tell your team to focus him down. Reaper is a really bad hero, a throw pick in high ranks, so saying he is broken is kinda what a low skilled player would say. The hero is really simple, he wants to get close, be sneaky, and kill you fast and get out. That’s literally it. Be aware of him and hopefully your team would burst him down with headshots.

So plat is low skilled. Reaper is concept wise broken. A hero that heals on dmg shouldn’t exist.

Plat is average. You keep saying things like its absolutes, but many games have life steal. While I don’t like hard counters, its a part of the game. A lot of people adapted, so either you do too or find games that aren’t hero based like CSGO. Ability based games are always difficult to balance. Everyone will have a different opinion on the matter.

Overwatch could fix it easily by removing solo comp que. You can play QP if you want to play. Otherwise you need to get a full stack, then reaper and Mei are also much weaker. But right now reaper and Mei are so hard to counter cause their is no focus or team play and the tanks suffer the most from it. That’s why no one plays tanks anymore

Just delete all supports and tanks. Then nobody can complain about the DPS.

No, go play your csgo. This game should be something different but it gets more and more a DPS only game or where dps are the only ones allowed having fun

Not gonna happen. All games use solo queue more on how skilled you are. That involves being able to communicate with other people. Heck, this game should have a different SR for solo queue and party queue. The members of a team aren’t gonna be equally skilled, so team SR is never a good basis.

Nah, I’ll stick to my Doomfist punching your tank face, thank you very much. :b

Yeah no. Your wrong. Solo Q should go for good. There is no communication and match quality is at the bottom. It can’t drop more

You’re crying like a baby at this point. You can’t expect to pub stomp solo as a TANK. Its not your job to kill reaper by simply swinging your hammer at him. Its his job to kill tanks. Its the DPS’s job to kill him. Its your job to make sure there is space for your DPS.