You can't call them "tanks"

Game needs less burst damage on regular left-click attacks, and focus them more to abilities.

It’s basically trying to be both a hero shooter, and tactical shooter at the same time. In regards to some heroes anyway.


Half the damn roster is one-shot, and therefore; countered by her (on paper).


You also can’t call a Sniper a Sniper if their headshots aren’t dealing massive damage


the tank now can’t last long even though it has been supported and healed by a supporting hero is this what is called a tank hero I always put up a body for my team but in a matter of seconds the blood is drained or the developer doesn’t balance hero skills and also finding match is always unbalanced with his opponent…

Then maybe the problem is the DPS and not tanks?

Don’t worry, “tanks” are getting deleted with “OW2” and we’ll have “bruisers”. Which I guess makes it fine for them to half HP in one shot then.

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Play all the corners you want, your huge hitbox and the insane damage outcome + focus fire + CC is basically ulting as Winston and seeing your 1000 HP instantly explode.

Dunno mate, in real life, tanks can be taken out with a single precise hit of sufficient strength.

So really these characters are OP compared to tanks.

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They are being renamed to Brawlers for OW2. So you wont have this issue of being confused just because of what they are called.

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GOATS is what happens when Widowmaker is so ludicrously overpowered and such a deciding factor that the team without a pro-widow to compete had to stack tanks and healers to survive.

‘‘People’’ is a massive understatement too. GOATS wasnt a thing for 99% of the playerbase, because GOATS was specifically an anti-Widow/Tracer meta that ranged from useless to balanced when hero variety is decent. Anyone and everyone under GM ‘‘hating’’ GOATS was 100% bandwagon, often to get their most hated tank or support nerfed if they whined enough.


A better way to look at GOATS is,
The only reason Widow was piked is because no other DPS hero could do anything vs goats.
The only DPS heroes that could do anything vs goats were high burst damage heroes like Widow or Hanzo. No other DPS heroes could kill anything and were rendered useless by goats.
That is why Widow was even picked . Why even play other dps heroes , when they were completely useless against GOATS.
The only viable chance you had at winning was going goats as well.

GOATS was built around Widowmaker, not the other way around.


Widowmaker was meta because GOATS, not after. And there were several heroes who could counter goats like Mei/Reaper/DF/Sym, but there was zero reason to run them because all of them got hardcountered by a single Widow/Tracer switch, which was a far less disruptive and way more impactful pick than any of those were ever allowed to be.

GOATS was, literally and textually, word by word, a comp that was born from the need to counter Widow without having a pro-Widow of their own. It was born as response to Widow meta. There is a reason why nerfing the tanks and supports that were used on it never actually killed the usage of the comp, they were simply replaced to fulfill a similar role.

Even with 2-2-2, teams just went with Mei for GOATS-lite comps since the actual problem behind the creation of GOATS was never nerfed (while tanks and supports were overnerfed) until some 2 years after the implementation of 2-2-2.


GOATS was played because a contenders team figured out the best way to abuse the no role limit system and choose the strongest heroes from the 2 strongest classes and eliminate the weakest class completely.
So the cheesiest comp was found for players that didnt want to die. Not even to all 6 enemy team ultimates hitting then at the same time.

If people dont like dying they are playing the wrong game.
You cant just cheese your way out of dying. That is the issue even after role lock. Like you said they still tried to go super tanky with Mei as a tank lite.

The main issue here is people that cant or refuse to play this (FPS team shooter) any other way than in deathballs, bunkers, and hiding behind barriers all game.

Trying to eliminate or lessen the #1 gameplay mechanic of this game. Which is to kill the enemy in order to win.
You cant win by capturing points or pushing the payload without winning team fights and killing the enemy.

I hope their game fails thanks to their crappy decisions lol

Eh, I think tank more signifies the space taking role than defensiveness. Lasting a second longer doesn’t make them good space makers. Havne’t had real space making for a while. It’s kind of more about split second attention diversion now.

Nothing more exciting than watching a respawn counter… Apparently.

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This is very true, as a Tank main myself. But…

Gestures vaguely in the direction of Hanzo
Gestures toward Cass headshots
Gestures toward Pharah and Junkrat

Some Tanks have only 400HP.
30% of that is 120. 30%. In one shot.

I didn’t say, that it’s exciting to play such game. But it’s definitely more exciting to watch, than two players spraying each other with bullets for 20 seconds, until one of them dies.

Well first, that shot has to get through at least 600 to 1600 points of barriers, and there’s way to critically hit that.

Then, of course, there’s the possibility of a secondary defensive cooldown such as Kinetic Grasp or Defense Matrix, or Fortify or Take A Breather that would also negate that damage completely, or just halve it with no chance of critically hitting (So Widow’s 300 damage critical is reduced to 120, and 40% of that, plus armor reduces it down to 67 damage).

Then, of course, you have to make sure you’re actually hitting the critical hitbox of the Tanks, and many tanks - depending on the angle - are completely immune to critical hits, or can hide their critical hit boxes with the push of a button.

So after all of that, and assuming the tank doesn’t still have armored health, you can do that 300 damage.

And just to keep in mind; every single tank can do more than that with a single ability or ultimate.

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IIRC the main complaint about GOATS (from people watching it) wasn’t that fights lasted too long - it was more about teams being locked into the same 6-9 heroes out of a roster of 30.

People playing GOATS had complaints about the TTK, but as has already been widely established, almost no-one outside of OWL/Contenders was actually playing GOATS for all that long. Ladder was playing a double-sniper meta for most of 2019.

Personally, I find the worst fights to watch in OWL are the ones that are over almost instantly. They’re anticlimactic. I wish we could have higher TTK with more hero variety.


I mean the only hero that can really knock a tank to half health from a head shot is a widow. And you generally don’t have the opportunity to do so unless your running something odd like zarya hog.

And if she is staring at the tanks all game she isn’t exactly getting much value.

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