You Can Crash OverWatch on Horizon Lunar Colony LOL

This bug found fitzy on his stream. Absolutely random. But for some reason he did not listen to all these conspiracy nonsense …

Who cares? XD

Even if I’m the best developer in the world, it’s not accepted to work for Blizzard, they have already kept the animation of the sigma stone broken for 4 months, because of its acceleration, they ignore 6 of my topics and 6 different videos where it is clearly shown and even explained what is what

Dang, good work!

Help out the team and post em here: Bug Report - Overwatch Forums

Who knows, they might even fix 'em in a year or two :wink:

Edit: I see you already posted this one at least, disregard that!

ALL my bugs posted on bug report. Something like sigma rock more then 2 times.


I find more then 50 bugs…

They fix doomfist emote bug and sombra hack XDXDXD

At least they’re fixing some of them LOL

Keep up the good work posting on the bugs sub-forum. If we tell them enough times, then they will HAVE to listen :slight_smile:

try better? I’m not even trolling you’re making the most specific events into the largest problem. Have you seen the Bug with Ball and the Repair packs? I think that’s a lot more important and frequent than Genji Wall Climbing on the Telescope while also looking through it. Nobody even goes near the Telescope unless they’re in Quick Play.

4 moths dont fixed

Cant play sigma. You just cant aim rock.

Check this thread

no fixed. Animation broken? we no care. No physic? we no care

Just check my channel playlists. 90% videos have links or playlist have link for 1 thread with all bugs for one hero.

Its bug like from sigma relise.

NO ONE CARE. And i fins this bug on youtube

So, never written a line of code in your life, got it.

Blizzard fanboy detected, got it

From someone who worked at Blizz doing QA (basically what you’re doing now: testing and finding bugs) there may be one other thing you can do.

Blizzard is very specific when it comes to bugs. What they want is a list of steps to reproduce a bug. The reason is because programmers, etc, need to test them and need a quick way to get in the game, find the bug, and see it for themselves. Due to this they want step-by-step instructions. I’ll give you an example:

Bug: Cannot Aim Sigmas Accretion Ability

  1. Load into the Practice Range Map
  2. Choose Sigma
  3. Aim at a target
  4. Use the Accretion Ability
  5. Just before the end of the animation, turn your character and attempt to aim at a different target
  6. Your Accretion will hit the first target

Just something like that, so that someone who has no idea how to play the game can still follow your instructions and observe the bug for themselves.

Other than that, just be patient and know that they can’t fix everything. But at the very least you can put it in a format where they don’t have to put in any work to understand the issue. (If that makes sense)

Videos are a good way to illustrate the issue, but the step-by-step instruction are the really critical part. Make it easy on them :slight_smile:

dude for understand this bug you just need have iq more then 1.

Its actually no hard. And for this dont need instructions.

RANDOMS understand this bug. RANDOMS.

I’m just telling you how they look at bugs. They want instructions, not videos. They don’t have time to watch videos.

No offense intended – just trying to get Blizzard to notice your bugs.

Just post this bug “right” and then say me when they will fix this. Okay/ XD

It couldn’t hurt!

Lmaooo Ive dome it too xD.
But dont blame testers lkke any one every think of thay no jokee

If you don’t code and work in software developent, you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Finding bugs is rarely the issue. All software has bugs, I literally fix them for a living. They almost certainly know about all these bugs, but they didn’t block the release as they are not likely to happen in the live environment.

I’m sure they’d love to fix every bug, but is trying to fix a bug where you spam wall climb while looking in the telescope a better use of time than fixing something else that’s far more likely to actually happen when someone is playing the game? Probably not.


Dont blame testers

Also testers

This game have no testers 99%

I found 2 problems in 2 minutes of checking Deflect. 2 MINUTES (!). How many years these problems have existed …

I mean myself and a lot of other people were making posts in the bug report forums on how FFA replays just flat-out could not be viewed (clicking “view” did nothing) and it took nearly 3 months for it to be fixed.

They fix shimada emotion bug (no popular bug) so i think they still can and watch videos

Blizzard fanboy I’m not interested in your opinion!

Moreover, you yourself thought that I am not familiar with coding.

You don’t have a single proof, but you build whole paragraphs from guesswork XD

I asked and you dodged the question, which means you don’t.

If you did, you’d know that QA testers have no authority to block a release, so blaming them for bugs making it into live makes no sense.

Allowing a bug to go through is a judgment call made by someone higher up. They’ve probably blocked releases dozens of times and we’d never know. They’ve also quickly disabled things that have introduced game-breaking bugs that have slipped through in the past while they fixed them.

Fixing live bugs is a question of priority, which is based on their severity and the likelihood of them actually occuring in a real world use of the software.

Nice fix bugsXDXDXDXDXD

let me laugh more.

It’s just that someone doesn’t understand that OverWatch’s testers are you and me. :slight_smile:

Well, nothing, blizzard will save money, and people will also thank them for it.

When people increase the duration of Deflect, but do not think of increasing the duration of the sound of this ability …

When they speed up the application of accretion, but do not think of speeding up its animation …