You are losing because you are not carrying your team

The truth is you are 1/6 of the victory factor. You and your mates have to do their best to win. If for exampke 2 mates do nothing you have high chances yo lose whatever you are trying.

And there are the 6 people of the other team. If there are for exampke 2 people far better than all others players you have high chances to win.

Now when you know that mmr try to balance teams but if smurfs buy low accounts with 300 defeats and no bicyories, the system will try to balance that goving you low teams or them high teams. And there are plenty of those alternatives acconts.

So if you play on the same accont since 2016 you have a huge disadvantage to climb the ladder. Even in bronze.


Wild how ya’ll can talk so much without having a conversation.

In my personal experience, improving starts with a realization that you need know what and how to improve, which can be quite elusive. Asking for free VoD reviews on the Overwatch University subreddit, for example, can be dicey, as you get all kinds of clowns, thinking that they know something, offering their advice. The likes of Freedo and Stylosa and their “educational” videos are often useless as well. Paying for coaching could do the trick, provided you can find a competent coach, but it can get expensive and overly tryhard. Start by searching YouTube for Spilo and Temporal’s channels. Both are professional Overwatch coaches (there are others, no doubt, but these are my go-to guys) and their VoD review archives are a treasure trove of OW knowledge. Try to find reviews of the heroes you play reasonably close to your rank, then expand to videos of other heroes and ranks to get a larger picture of this complex game and how everything fits together. Also, if you’re interested primarily in playing support, ML7’s “unranked to GM” series, done on various support heroes and accompanied by detailed thought process narration, can be quite eye opening.

Unless you are smurfing you can’t solo carry in this game.

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I’m 15.15% of the team (roughly), I don’t pull anyone’s weight, except my own. I already have a thankless job in life, I’m not tolerating one in a video game.

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Anyone saying you can ‘EZ solo carry games’ are the kind of people used to playing games way below their actual elo. The only other people I have seen actually say this are youtube channels that are fishing for content.

Don’t listen to that garbage. They want you hooked on all their ‘how to videos’ and give them clicks and revenue. They’re the equivalent of self help books, they don’t actually want you to get better, they want you to keep coming back to them for advice.

As support you need to enable your team, you also need to counter what is enabling the enemy.

Do they have a hog picking people off? Go Ana.
Do they have massive point clearing ults like Sig, Junkrat, dva etc? Go Bap.
Flankers that will not get off your butt? Moira or brig.
Hanzo? Ruin his ults with zen.

Keep an eye on the killfeed…
One person dies on your team: look at falling back
two die: start falling back
three die: just run and don’t look back.

Keep in mind the path you will take to get out of there. If the path you would need to take is hard to get to: you’re in a bad position.

Corners are your friends. The shields that never break.

The only thing you can ‘carry’ in this game is your own weight. If others don’t do it, that’s their problem, not yours.


You can’t carry the team here. When everyone is on their A-game you have an equal chance of winning and losing; you have a higher chance of losing when they’re making mistakes or loafing around.

This is also why support players have the worst time in competitive leagues. You simply have no control over the other 4 people on your team who can make a difference in the long term. The tanks and DPS.

If you’re worried about ranking up then you could always try queuing with another tank or DPS player as a support to ensure at least one person on your team is capable of defending themselves. That could make all the difference in your support games.


Because they are gm so they can hard carry as dps like genji or wifow. And because they buy low accoints with low mmr so they get ton of free win before their mmr goes at 60-70% and gamed become harder.

It’s logical.

Basically today and this is the problem you can’t expect to clomb if you are not diamond or more. This is opposite of ladder goal which should give games for everyone at their level. If you re quite average for exampke you wont climb. You NEED to be good or even very good. That is the problem.


You can’t solo carry, but if you are consistently the best player on your team you should be winning enough matches to climb. If you’re not then you’re simply not the player you think you are in your mind.

Even in a game like CSGO or Valorant you’re not going to 1v5 your way to the top because you’re not going to ACE 13 rounds a match against any team with a pulse.

What people mean by carry is that they were the top player in the match and made the biggest difference. It’s no different than a real team sport. You have your Tom Brady or Steph Curry that are carrying their team. All the other players have to do is pull their own weight.

YT vids aren’t enough, watching regularly a streamer helps probably more, but it requires time. Just watching a game through the eyes good player eyes, unconsciously make you improve even without using his tips or doing what he does.

wait to get the smurf in your team, comp is only a matter on who can play meta heroes and a roulette on who get the smurf who carry you, nothing more. If you play offmeta heroes,… well, you can’t climb.

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All they’ll see is a support (in their own rank) trying to get value on their hero

  • but not understanding why that player isn’t just pocketing THEM

All they’ll see is their DPS trying to do damage

  • and probably flaming them for missing shots that, that player would also miss

Their tanks aren’t pushing in

  • the last 3 games that player was on tank, they pushed in and nobody else pushed with him so he’s waiting for teammates to give him the “yes go in” only for him to go in and still nobody push with him which will unceremoniously result in someone flaming the tank player for feeding.

Carrying in CS/Val isn’t really defined by acing every round though. If you’re consistently getting two picks per death, that’s very much carrying.

You could literally get no kills in a round but play a very smart post plant and that’s carrying.

Or you could kill two people and defuse and that’s carrying.

The idea that carrying only comes from dropping the most bodies is a misconception

  • Except when it comes to DPS in Overwatch and even then, you don’t have to top frag to carry.

This is correct but it’s not always directly correlated to kills

Same can be applied to OW. If you’re a DPS getting 2 picks per fight then the rest of your team should be able to clean up if they are doing their job. But some people simply don’t pull their own weight.


weird , I’m agree with you

2 times? I’m scared

Exactly!! Same concept applies to Widow. If Widow gets a pick (especially a high value pick) they can basically chill the rest of the team fight.

This is the reality and I don’t dispute this in the slightest.

However, think back to Valorant really quick and think of duelists and initiators.

The initiator makes a play that allows the duelist to push onto site. Obviously it’s better if the duelist gets a pick but it’s really his job to expose the enemy and die while his team trades him out for map control.

So a duelist can be bottom fragging but as long as his team is trading his deaths it’s not indicative of poor player performance.

  • He’s simply doing his job

Problem is if you must be diamond at least to climb from bronze or gold, there is a problem. If you get for example gold level, you should re1ch gold and you shouldn’t need diamond or more yo ho there.

This is the goal of leagues : b1lanced games for everyone depending on their level. Not needing absotuletely to be diamond level to begin to climb.


Indeed that’s the problem.

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if you are 15, then this is to be expected, you do not have any ‘real’ employable skills, you gain those later in life, through education/apprenticeships/internships/experience