The majority of this playerbase has always been DPS players rather we like it or not. A lot of people myself included are flex players. I like filling different roles. Being limited to just one and not being able to switch sounds like a nightmare.
Role lock system is just a prison really. Have you ever queued with a 6 stack from the LFG feature where roles are locked? And how it miserably fails most of the time? You either stomp the other team completely or get stomped and people get angry and leave. Big surprise, neither is fun.
I genuinely don’t understand why people prioritize winning so much even if it takes all the fun out of it. From my experience people switch a lot more in competitive to what roles the team needs. In fact I even see 2/2/2 team comps a lot in QP recently too.
Let’s be realistic, most people find main tank to be very boring.
What do you think players will do if they are forced to play a role or a character they don’t enjoy almost every game? Obviously move on to a different game that’s more fun. And honestly that’s not a luxury Overwatch can afford right now since the playerbase is a lot smaller than it used to be.
I even started seeing the same players in my games now. I’ve been matched with someone in my friendslist from months ago in the same match 3 times now. It’s that bad.
A majority of my friends quit this game after Brig came out. I’m not gonna get into that because it’s unrelated but ever since then it feels like almost every 2nd player is a support main or fills as tank. I’ve had games where we had 3 healers or 3 tanks. A meta made DPS useless and it was one of the most boring things to watch.
Pro players with such talent were forced to play Brig just because it was meta. Now they finally introduced 2/2/2 in OWL so DPS mains can show off their abilities on their character.
People are more likely to switch to something the team needs if they aren’t limited to one role. Some cases you switch up roles with teammates because you might perform better as a tank or whatever, you get the idea.
This game has issues and toxicity but role lock won’t solve any part of that whatsoever. It might just make things worse and kill the game. But you know, winning games for a pointless golden gun is more important apparently.
if they dont want to play it then they will leave and someone else will. there is no such thing as a perfect solution, but it will be better than what we have now
Yeah and 80% of people want the DPS role while only 5% want tank. If you look at the groups in LFG or played in one, almost all 5 are filled except the last tank role.
Role Queue will improve the game in concert with 2-2-2. 2-2-2 on its own isn’t a good system. Role queue won’t fix stupid, but it does fix a lot of issues. I’d rather heal double sniper double off tank with a DPS Moira as my second healer than play with 4 supports or 4 DPS.
It’s not like most people swap anyway. Or if they do it’s usually to something in their current role. You can’t take away what doesn’t happen. I’d rather wait a few minutes to heal a good game than be instaqueued as a tank, a role that is never fun.
Say that when you have 2 sniper meta shoved down your throat by people lower than master rank and let me know how that works out for shield tanks especially when they refuse to switch off to what the team needs.
Say that when your DPS first pick is Symmetra, on a map she should not be played on.
Say that when a onetrick like me picks Sombra on a map that requires heavy dps against a real shield comp.
Say that when you have to pick torb just to carry Sym mains who try to force her in situations/maps she shouldn’t be played on.
People do that already. At least this forces a more passable team comp than a Sym, Sombra, and 2 pure DPS with whatever roles the last 2 feel like playing.