Yo Brigitte players, stop scapegoating tracer

if that’s true than why does she have a 48% winrate in plat, your elo. plat is above average players. why is tracer statistically on of your worst heroes too?

sorry but you’re lying, all the stats show tracer is one of the most mechanically demanding heroes in the game, her pickrate and winrate only reached solid levels at the top 3% of the game before brig was added, 97% of the community can’t play tracer well enough to win more than half their games yet tracer is seen as an issue in lower elo.

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“You’re lying because I don’t agree with you!”

Do you want to have a discussion or are you going to be approach this with hostility and immaturity?

Mercy is not mechanically demanding. She’s also underutilized there and has a low winrate. Mechanical skill or not, there are little to no trends in my elo. I mean, Torb and Symm are strong there lol.

Smurfs exist. People who have alt accounts exist. There are heroes who cannot solo carry games. I can link you to my streams where we go against obviously higher-ranked Tracers all the time in competitive because it happens frequently.

And on my end, it’s not hard to blink out of trouble and not die. I personally don’t have that much of an issue with Tracer. I find Genji to be more annoying. And in the overall scope of the game - since you wanted to go into my rank and nitpick to invalidate any kind of counterargument to yours - mobility is the issue. I said that before. Brig was introduced because high mobility heroes were the issue, and while not an issue 99.8% of the time as in higher elos, they present issues in lower ranks.

Which you seemed to ignore that entire segment.

She does not take any more skill than Brig does. Sorry you have trouble playing her, but tracer is ez.

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They actually are completely false, but since they push your agenda I can see why you would agree with them.

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Y’all fail to understand that if Baguette gets additional nerfs, it means that tracer and genii will receive nerfs. She was built to counter then so they wouldn’t have to nerf them. It is why she exists.

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Tracer and Genji is the main reason why a lot of other heroes gets nerfed. You keep forgetting those two limelight heroes are the mascots of this franchise. Symmetra used to give 75 shields as a regular buff, but it specifically gave Tracer and Genji the upper edge. So guess who hit first for the sake of " balance " Symmetra.

A lot of dps mains do complain, but the ones who do complain from observation is Tracer and Genji. They’re the loudest duos which is why when it comes to nerfing heroes especially for Bridgitte case. It’s those two heroes they’re really balancing it for. Overall I dislike Overwatch developers decisions when it comes to hero balancing. They rarely make wise choices not thinking of the outcome only benefiting their own fun factor, but it’s their game after all. They come first while we come second hence why many tweaks hardly ever gets reverted in ptr phases.

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It’s not a surprise by now that Brigitte doesn’t have a large skill-cap. Stop acting like she wasn’t oppressive by any means. Stop acting like she didn’t need any changes whatsoever.

Most people don’t have a problem with nerfs coming for their hero. But this? If you can’t acknowledge how excessive and drastic these are, then you’re not really the reasonable one here.

She has a nerf coming up on PTR. Before we know the effects of that, they’re going to add really drastic changes that do not seem good on paper to begin with.

I could get behind the first nerf - shield bash not going through shields. But changing the damage from 50 to 5, and upping her healing by a shred?..

Come on. lol.


Whole load of hyperboles in this thread. Can’t tell if you’re being serious or not. :neutral_face:

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽


Spreading positivity and ice cream, one Mercy at a time.

We still don’t know the outcome of these changes. They’re not even live yet. I’m positive that the developers will buff Brigitte accordingly based on the feedback they receive once live.

Were these changes needed? Absolutely.

Did they need to be this drastic? Most probably not, but we’ll find out.

I personally would’ve been happy with shield bash at 20 damage.

I’m fine with that. Honestly, I agree. We’ll see - that’s why I specify “on paper” because with the Pharah changes, they sounded bad on paper. And here we go - she’s actually kind of better for it.

But…most people are not as open-minded as you. Lol. I hope you can acknowledge that. They’re just rejoicing that she’s getting nerfed.

Can you link me the PTR notes? I need to see this. :frowning:

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽


Spreading positivity and ice cream, one Mercy at a time.
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What makes you think Tracer is hard?

Also isn’t mei oppressive as well? Why she keeps getting buffs then?

I was fine with her changes. It rewarded people good at her and told the ones who only relied on her splash damage to “step it up a notch” if they want to be effective with her.

Not gonna lie, I see where they’re coming from. Brigitte in her current state is not healthy for the game, and they’re just fed up with her right now. They’re minds could possibly change later on. Who knows.

what, she never had an aoe stun its always been single target

HAHAHAHA I’d like to see a Brigitte ult save your team from a d.va bomb


Sorry. I’m failing to see:


𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽


Spreading positivity and ice cream, one Mercy at a time.

There you go!!!

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Ah, I see. Well, hopefully this gets overturned…

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽


Spreading positivity and ice cream, one Mercy at a time.


How many times have you been healer?? oh you have hidden your profile, hard to imagine… haha

Bs she’s oppressive on Xbox in gold and plat. Where she can blink faster than you can turn your damn joystick. A lot of games were decided simply whose playing tracer as she oneclips all your supports and no one can track her