Yo Brigitte players, stop scapegoating tracer

I do get what you are saying. But the issue was ignored for so long, that it now seems Blizz has to take drastic action to convince it’s player-base they were listening.
If they had identified the issue and the frustrations earlier, they could have made more delicate game balance changes and done so more frequently, avoiding any drastic action.

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Feels like they might pull a Mercy on us later on.

They kept nerfing Brigitte until they hit a nerf that was uncalled for or too much, in this case, her shield bash damage, provided they just left the number on 5 wihtout tweaking anything and it goes live, then after a few months partially buff the damage back up when people start to feel her damage becomes meager, like maybe 20ish or something.

Basically they’ll repackage her next change into a ‘buff’ thats technically a partial revert.

I mean, sure, Brigitte needed a change, I sort of agree with her shield going through barriers change and them relocating her DPS into healing, but I think the latter is just overkill. Like, 5? Really? Normal melee damage does 30dmg.

Because Tracers (decent ones, mind you) were the epitome of being oppressive.

By that logic the introduction of Brig was an indirect nerf for Genji. Genji needs a buff guys!!

Yeah true that. I think the problem here is that they cant carry games while eating a bowl of cereals anymore. They cant just win games by playing an easy hero. And they dont like that. Because now they need to think and invest effort and that makes their heads hurt

also it’s not like her ENTIRE kit counters tracer. Her one shot combo on her was just icing on the cake.
She has armor, overheal and can’t be oneclipped. And her stun is still 1s long. That spells death for tracer at any level where tracer is actually a problem.
And she wasn’t a problem for tracer only.

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Nonsense, we are merely moving on to the next flavor of the season. lol!

We don’t know this yet.

Just because a hero was indirectly nerfed, and yes the introductions of counters are indirect nerfs, that doesn’t follow that the hero would then need a buff. That’s a really bad leap.

“AoE stun”
Can only hit 1 target

Mentions skill as if that matters in terms of MU-balancing
Fails to mention how easy Brigitte is to counter

Supposed to make a topic to convince others of obvious things
Makes a poorly written dis-track instead

These meme threads are either transcended or they’re bad and/or srs topics instead. I honestly can’t tell anymore.

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The forums where busy scapegoating Brig as the scourge of Overwatch and everything wrong with the game till she was gutted, but Brig players aren’t allowed to do the same?

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I equally disliked both Brig and Tracer. But i like Brig more now because devs actually nerfed her unlike Tracer.

Tracer may not be responsible for the Brigitte nerf - I’m glad that she’s going further in the direction of the tank/healer hybrid she was always meant to be - but Tracer is still OP because she has no effective skill cap. She needs a hard counter and just lost her only one, which is a problem.

please elaborate.
Outside of “just pick pharah/junkrat”

how is it ironic, 99% of people who complain about tracer have never played against a tracer who can play tracer well enough to even win half of their games.
it’s legit empty complaints because she’s picked in pro play sometimes.

oh i know what it is, she “countered” supports, or actually moreso, she was actually able to reach supports on purpose, but the 1v1 with the support is a skill matchup, and not a “i press 2 buttons and you die and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

McCree? You want a below masters McCree to counter a below masters Tracer? Giving you the benefit of the doubt here, this is probably only good advice for diamond, considering the mechanical skill to utilize mccree effectively isn’t there below that elo.

Im already tracerrrr

Perception is that she is oppressive.

But the community turns the cheek when it’s their favorite hero (i.e. Genji/Tracer/D.Va).


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Nah, fam. She’s not that hard to get utility out of. Plenty of people have gone against good Tracers and they can’t deal with her because mobility is an underrated power in this game. Tracer and Genji level mobility allows them to escape everything, even their “counters”.

I’m not a support main and I think both of their mobility is the entire issue with all of this. Could have toned down the mobility but REEEEE THOSE HEROES ARE BALANCED DONT NERF MY MAIN!1!!1! are the reason that Brigitte had to come in and try to deal with it.

But, hey. If/when we go back to dive, we’ll see where we go. Mobilitywatch is not fun.

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Does that mean we can nerf D.Va too? Consistently one of the most picked tanks in the game and is in pretty much every match.
Ooh! Or what about Ana? She’s in the top three most picked heroes for gold and higher, that’s kinda oppressive so we should nerf her too.

Ah but Brigitte has a stun and CC baaaad, so lets just nerf her and unleash mobility creep part deux because we don’t want to nerf mobility, right?
It’s not like that was the entire reason she was added or something…