Yes, the Support Changes were a Success

Every support was playable before.

Whether or not they were balanced was another question.

Yes, Mercy was strong and yes, she needed balance changes, but the way they went/are going about it is completely wrong.

Yes, as I said, fun is very subjective to our biases. :blush:
And you do raise a good point with pick rates.
Still I believe she’ll have to be eventually addressed. Maybe I haven’t played her much lately, or adapted, but I don’t find her to be a reliable main healer anymore.

Looking at the numbers on overbuff, which like i said is not as reliable anymore but its better than nothing for now, Mercy still heals more than Ana and is very close to Moira and still heals a ton more than Zen and Lucio and obviously Brig is the worst healer for obvious reasons, so i don’t know, maybe people are overreacting, the fact that Mercy heals roughly the same as Moira says a lot wouldn’t you say?

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I think that each support should be playable in all ranks, but that’s not the case at all. Ana is the go-to support now because she has 3 midfight abilities, large healing output, AoE healing, and damage potential. Moira and Mercy have absolutely 0 utility to contribute to the midfight.

You found 1 example. Sure some people argued that Ana should be buffed. But most of them didn’t care, as long as their hero was fine nothing else mattered. Also, the top one still found a way to talk about Mercy. It has nothing to do with Ana, just to not nerf Mercy again. Proving my point.

I and many other Mercy players were going on every Ana related thread saying Ana needs buffs/fixes etc.

While most of the Ana playerbase went all in with the Nerf Mercy.

Now when Ana is almost a must pick even in Lower Ranks I don’t see a single Ana player saying “Yeah , Mercy really feels bad to play , let’s support our fellow Mercy players on their way to fixing their favorite hero like they helped us.”

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Mercy is still playable. :wink:

I did not want the rework.
Others did not want the rework.
I want her to be fun which she isn’t anymore.
I played her when she was a “trollpick” not because i played a game to win.
but because i played a game to have fun.
They ruined mercy symetra and sombra.
I do not want them to make any non e-sport character unfun to play.

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The thread that was in was one that asked for either Mercy to be nerfed, or Ana to be buffed. And she put her vote down for Ana to be buffed. Since the thread was about both, she talked about both, but she still wanted Ana buffed.

The two I linked are two of the biggest Mercy thread supporters in the forums, but I can find more examples. They are some of the most prominent Mercy mains in this forums.

They cared more about their own heroes than heroes they don’t play as often. But the fact remains most people in this forum, Mercy mains included, supported Ana buffs.

You just want to pretend otherwise to justify the prevalent attitude against Mercy now that the shoe is on the other foot. It’s a choice you can make, but it’s going to lead to Ana boarding the nerf train. The reason Mercy got nerfed this last time is purely because Ana needed a buff to be competitive, she was already climbing the usage rates in GM. She only needed a buff to make her more competitive. She did not need Mercy to be shoved into the dumpster. In fact, that’s the last thing she needed because it makes her a must pick. And must picks get nerfs irregardless of the reason.

Also the reason that Ana didn’t get more threads is because Ana mains weren’t making them. They were demanding Mercy nerfs rather than looking for buffs. The ones that did make them were supported, including by most Mercy players .

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Exactly this. I always loved healing with an Ana regardless of which support character I picked for the match (but let’s be honest, it usually was Mercy). She always brought so much utility to the game and hell, how cool is it that she’s a grizzled war hero but still effortlessly sweet POC old lady?! How many other games have characters like that?

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