Year Two: Overwatch still has zero social features

This is the second year of Overwatch and they still have not added any features that would make playing as a team easier. As a result every couple weeks I try overwatch again and it is still $hit. The mechanics are great, but playing the game feels terrible because their are zero tools that help cooperation. For a company that makes such a big deal about knowing the community blizzard is pretty tone deaf. Battlefield and Call of Duty have better community features than the teambased Overwatch.


“Hey good game guys, want to stay as a team?”
There you go.

Way better than findind a team in Final Fantasy XV’s multiplayer…yikes, it’s awful

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it’s all there, use it.


One word: Destiny…

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The devs said in a post not so long ago that there will be new social features coming this summer.

at the end of the post

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For real.

It’s probably the most anti-social game I’ve ever played. They make it so hard to communicate with people.

Right off the top of my head, there are a number of features you say do not exist (your claim of ZERO)

  1. Stay as Team button
  2. Increased xp for playing in a group.
  3. Specific group chat
  4. A menu window entitled Social where you can send friend requests, view profiles, etc…

What you are really asking for is some type of guild system…perhaps you could put it that way instead of using general terms and hyperbole…

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Overwatch is one of the most social games I’ve played in a while. It’s the only modern game I can think of where people actually use the in-game voice chat.

It’s a pretty big deal on console where literally no one uses in-game chat for other games. The last game I can think of that people used the in-game chat is probably halo 2 and that was a long time ago.

I don’t know what more you want as far as “tools that help cooperation.”

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