Yeah, blizzard ain't deleting any heros

Idk why but blizzard just doesn’t want to delete heros! The original post I did, they took it down before anyone saw. It was titled “Blizzard why are you so scared to delete heros”

Is it because it might upset voice actors, you added to many cosmetics to delete? Whatever it is, they won’t delete heros, just stop asking for a delete

“Delete X hero” is a nice meme, but a stupid idea.

Reworks is what can be a reality for some heroes.


Alright fine if they wont delete heroes then just delete Overwatch. Boom solved.


Pretty sure the whole “Delete X hero” means “Give X hero a huge rework”

Yeah, I wonder why!


They won’t and they should not. Every hero makes the game better than it would be for not having that hero. It adds personality and color and variety of game mechanics. They spent endless development hours on making these heroes, they should never delete any of them.

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Your topic title for your removed post and this one is in violation of the Overwatch Community Guidelines.

Simply put please just try to be constructive with what you like about certain heroes and what you don’t like about them. That is feedback they look for and will appreciate, but calling them out helps no one.

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