Y'all just hate Sombra, don't you?

Well I am not saying there is anything wrong with using it as a discount Sym tele.
I even do it sometimes.

Here ya go


People like to play the game, of course we hate CC intesive heroes.

Symmetra, Sombra and Reaper mains are never satisfied are they…

IIRC, they’ve been trying to move Sombra away from being an EMP bot, hence why they got rid of ult charge gained on hacked health packs.

Ironically, they’ve managed to make her an EMP bot again, but worse…

Yes, but the accompanying nerf is towards her ability to engage WITH her team.

It’s a QoL. Not a buff, it’s for when the enemies forced you to setup in a smaller, more out of the way area where you can’t throw your translocator towards your safe spot and have to wait for the cooldown to drop the translocator.

However, you teleport multiple times in a row when you’re trying to stay with your team and actually help with the fight.

The nerf does not effect her engagement with her team.

It only effects her escape should the engagement not go well, in which case things have already gone wrong and even if Sombra dies because of those 2 seconds, it’s not even going to hurt because you’ll be respawning with your team.


That clip actually wouldn’t have been effected by this change. There was always at least 6 seconds between when she threw new translocators.

Thanks for proving my point, you’re not going to notice it, even in a fast paced game of trans-spam.

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What do you think was the purpose of the nerf?

It’s as I said, it’s to cut down on times where she uses translocator to get out of combat, so she doesn’t have to just sit in a corner for 4 seconds waiting for the CD to be up.

Combine that with the fact that you won’t notice the theoretical drawback if you use it aggressively, and that’s why it’s a net buff, not a nerf.

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If they really want to bring her away from being an EMP bot, they need to nerf EMP drastically. You can’t have such a strong ability and not have it be the focus of their kit.

You didn’t answer. What was the purpose of the nerf. What do you think was the purpose of increasing the cooldown to 6 seconds?

Ah, seems I misunderstood what you meant. Apologies.

It was probably meant to balance out the fact that her CD is instant in most scenarios by punishing bad placement more so than it used to.

EMP has already been nerfed thanks to her hack nerf, along with the global ult charge nerf…

The last thing Sombra needs is more nerfs. Yes, she needs buffs, but without touching EMP preferably.


I’m not saying that she wouldn’t get buffs along with it. Just that EMP eats up way too much of her power balance for it not to be the focal point.

If you want to bring her focus away from EMP, you need to nerf it down and buff up other abilities to replace it. It’s as simple as that. If you don’t want EMP touched, then you honestly don’t really have any room to complain about her being an “EMP bot” either.

Sombra doesn’t need buffs because tanking in this game already sucks. Mei, reaper, sym, and even doom make tanking trash.

They already triple nerfed EMP.

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the translocator cooldown isnt even bad.
sombra needs less spread, time duration on stealth like before, and maybe her hack could use 10 dmg to break the connection rather than a single tick

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