Y'all hate roadhog so much?

right lol they buff moira’s beam to 75 dps and shorten the range to 15 meters to compensate (in an experimental) but a 20 meter combo that can stun, displace an enemy, and potentially one-shot half the roster is a great and balanced distance


He actually would be if you toned down take a breathers damage reduction, or are teams basically forced to have Ana and Zen every single game because he’s almost unkillable without them? Whoever thought that was a good idea didn’t stop to think of the consequences of adding 50% reduction to an ability that didn’t need it considering you’ve already eliminated the main weakness of using that move by letting him walk with it.


I dont even mind the range.

For me the issue is that Hook combo is something that Hog doesnt need any kind of teamwork with. He doesnt enable anything because he can oneshot anyone that he hooks on his own. He doesnt promote nor require teamwork, which is absolutely ridiculous in a game based around teamwork, to the point some heroes requires such levels of teamwork as to be a flaw, but that is ok apparently?

Hog is allowed to be an obvious anti-teamwork hero because apparently its grandfathered into the game, but its ok that Sym got nerfworked into a taxibot meme that requires her team to do anything since they castrated her agency.


He just can’t be 1 v 1-ed.
Randomly oneshots from 20m away, no punishes for missing, vapes, does it again. And the stupid buff for giving ult less charge, ugh.



You can have a “fair and balanced” 1 vs. 1 against other tank heroes but not Hog. Which is why take a breather is the main problem. Imagine if Rein had that and could just walk away as if nothing happened after failing to charge someone.

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And like that I’m not taking this thread seriously.

Heroes with decent range and mobility would just be able to infinitely run away from him and pressure him for free where as they still do right now but at least hog has an opportunity to catch them if the enemy either messes up or if he hits a nasty long range hook.

Not to mention 20m is his “threat radius” and going down to 15m would severely hurt his tanking potential

While I’m all about buffing Reaper, I think the main problem is more with Hog than with Reaper.

No normal buff for Reaper would be able to help him against one shot from a giant pig…

Reaper has its own problems like long shadow step but its mostly the result of too much countering from stuff like cc, distance,armor or burst. Would be nice to see another slow hero without cc in the game…

But unlike Reaper hog is just a weird dps-tank hybrid that can easily one shot anyone and anything in its range.

So not sure going for a change to Reaper is what would solve the Reaper-hog problem even if Reaper can use the buff.

The design/balance team is simply inept.

I hate reaper more than hog…

Hog wastes a entire tank slot while reaper uses a worthless dps slot…

If we buff reaper do you think people will play less reaper-killer and go more monkee? :sweat_smile:

Imho the only thing it would enforce is a hog

And ofc the forums would cry even more about snipers especially in high rank and low ranks cry more about hog & reaper

Hog just feeds me free Bacon.
Bacon happens to be what charges Hero Ults in game.

Theres also no reason for dps to nearly one shot half the tank roster, even moreso when damage boosted.

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I’d love for snipers to be changed to not be able to crit or something, but nothing else can even come close.

To snipers? I agree. 300 dmg every 0.83(?) secs at unlimited range (her fall off is meaningless).

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As if he had any tanking potential to begin with, we have widow for that she is far better in that regard and her terror radius is way way bigger, so even widow is better tank than hog using that retarded logic


Try and use hog as a pure flanker in masters+ you will get farmed, if u dont play him as a tank that plays off angles every now and then you’re literally throwing. So yes he indeed does have tanking potential you just clearly don’t understand it

I feel like this is the issue though. He doesnt even need to be close. His hook usually spans across a whole control point.


Ah yes cause every player plays in masters, i dont care, the way justs dominates the rest of the ladder is unacceptable and should be nerfed. The End

I dont expect a hog apologist to accept he is way overtuned otherwise they might lose their only way to rank up

He’s overtuned alright and that’s the only way he will ever be viable, that’s the harsh reality.

Also they balance around Masters+ because if you didn’t know already, you can actually improve and become a higher rank with a better understanding of the game

Though from your constant complaining about Hog I assume you just blame the game every time you lose

This game isn’t designed for 1v1.