Y'all got OW1 post-release and it SHOWS

I think it would be nice for them to let us try some of the changes on Experimental though :slight_smile: at least the 5v5 format

… is this not insanely high even for higher tiers?

I can see how widow is currently a problem because of a matchmaking issue. That doesn’t mean the balance doesn’t work because it was done badly, that’s other factors contributing with their own problems and solutions.

Widow is considered balanced because the average player is bad at her, which is technically balanced for mid-tiers (because she’s not Super Good in metal ranks).

Also yes, 50% scoped crit is bonkers but the point was to be illustrative of how Widow’s balance rapidly breaks down if you get good enough.

She’s also balanced because in higher tiers people can deal with a skilled widow with map knowledge and game sense though. so… it’s not like she’s badly BALANCED… there’s just factors that create a super imbalanced encounter that should be accounted for.

Theoretically. But the problem can be solved (somewhat) by creating less situations in which an insanely good widow isn’t put with new/unskilled players. So it’s not like the practice of adjusting a character to be played in mid tiers is horrible, its a failing of letting those tiers mix too much.

I mean, it’s easy to blame the matchmaking, but at the core certain heroes are just busted when you get good at them. You may never encounter a Widow on the level of, say, KSP (now Kai) in plat, but you absolutely will if you play in GM–to the point that pro players hate Widow more than metal rank players.

Anyway, getting away from Widow for a second, the point is that pro players will always extract the maximum from a hero because they’re the best at the game. They may have some… interesting ideas about balance personally, but the data they provide from how they play the game is very useful for developers to balance the hero kits when they’re played at their actual peaks.

A plat player providing feedback like “I don’t like X because I lost to X” isn’t as useful as “our OWL stats indicate this hero is completely dominating the meta because the kit is too good, maybe it needs a nerf.”

Using a OWL player as an example of “near perfect” play is … sort of acceptable. They are very good examples of what players CAN do. The problem comes in when they start balancing around the latter you are talking about, opinions. Here’s where my fears are being slightly assuaged though:

They are looking at the input with context as to “hey these guys ARE just players like everyone else and will blamethrow to soothe their egos or give myopic calls on what is and isn’t balanced.” .

That depends on useful to what. If you want more people playing the game, and most people are mid tier, you probably want to make that part of the game more fun.

I think i shouldnt have named any heroes cause it drastically derailed the conversation, jesus

It happens with nearly every game honestly, pros and streamers or content creators basically get free passes and priority access. It will remain this way forever probably.

Considering the OW2 footage we already saw was played by average players and people complained it looked bad we’re due for some more coordinated gameplay. It would be moronic for Blizz to show average level gameplay again, it would turn a lot of people off, particularly those in higher ranks who dedicate more time to the game and want OW2 to remain competitive/coordinated

Its a shame they’re both dead – spiritually at least in TF2’s case, literally with Dirty Bomb (literally only like a hundred players)

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Dont drag this one in this, it had nothing to do with overwatch (i miss that game)
But seriously, it had more elements similiar to games like csgo then overwatch, yet still it had some fresh feel to it since it was more than just “plant the bomb then protect it until it explode and you win” tho the element was used, and was objective, it was more fun when game didnt ended on single objective, people could respawn, and you had also stuff around to use to your advantage like stationary turrets.
I got carried away sorry.

i beta tested ow1 on two different accounts and was sym otp during entire beta. 10/10 would 1trick her again but i’ll prob 2-3 trick this time.

it was a little less blatant in 2015. ttv/yt content is basically spammed into your face in 2021. and gaming culture has evolved into insta-grat lookup the cheese “wut is best/meta?”. no1 works to discover anything, and those that do, race to share and mirror it. back in the day a teleporter strat would be closely guarded. betas were more guarded and reserved back then. now they just spam keys to market/hype.

now u have ppl so desperate for views/clicks doing memes. also games are in general more shallow and every1 is aim-trainer elistist. not even room for braindiff most times. if anything it’s more scripted and regular in higher ranks. boring and repetitive and every1 plays/follows 222 and clumps for all-in fights. something that won’t be a thing in ow2. and all these “pros” with xp in a game mode (scrims not even live ladder lul). the ppl playing live open probably have better xp with ow2.

so cringe and out of touch, they’re literally changing all these things just as we asked years ago. but we get to watch xyz streamer “innovate” stuff and float their ego (even tho it would take any normie like 2-3 hrs to trial/error the same stuffs). and we get to watch it over and over for months and months to the point that everything will be spoiled and there won’t be much to get creative with.

Cmon man…low blow.

The OWL wasnt around back then. Point is, there was no favoritism of any kind. So when OW1 went through its beta phase, it was the same as any other game.

But OW2 just further proves that the 1%, the Pros, dictate everything. The only positive thing about that I can say, is tga OW2 will at least avoid the identity crisis problem OW1 is still suffering from since the OWL started.

Oh don’t get me wrong guys. I adore tf2 and dirty bomb (heck i still play the latter every now and then) but there was a time where myself (and many others) played those when we we’re, really, just waiting for ow to come out.

It’s definitely going to BLAST the viewership by quite a bit, so they will be learning. Just not what you want them to I suspect.

It’ll also be on before the game from what I heard though so you can stop watching just before the actual OWL events take place.


Yeah I know. And that’s why I didn’t buy Overwatch at released because I was already bored of a game I didn’t even play.

And if that’s the route they go for with Overwatch 2, I’ll happily watch someone else play the campaign and I’ll save 70$ in the process. It’s not like my mains will have many missions anyway and we’ll get the pvp for free so…

There were even pros at that time who were competing and they gave feedback back then too, yet people praise launch OW for being the best the game ever was…

It is not like it is going to matter. Everyone else will watch because they want to know about the game.

Also I will probably be in bed when it happens. Not sure when exactly it is starting.

I’m thinking it’ll start at 8 EST/5 PST. The match starts at 9/6, and I’m pretty sure the announcement said the OW2 showcase would start an hour before the match.