Yall can talk all the smack you want about Echo

Cool you didn’t fix the issue of the other tanks being garbage. They are still taking on way more damage than they can handle. You just made all 3 of them garbage. Good luck with queue times after nobody plays maintank at all after that


Yall can talk all the smack you want about Echo

On closer inspection it is actually a flying symmetra in robot form.
If I have understood her story correctly, then she was designed to create peace. That must be the reason why it is equipped with weapons and has no chip built in to stop it from killing people.
And her ultimate is probably the most unique development since the invention of Call of Duty and DLC’s.

Zarya and Reinhardt are okay in my opinion.

Do you want that even fewer people play tank ?


Sigma could have that cool ability from Titanfall where you collect all the damage in front of you (block damage in a field instead of only damage directed at you) and then output that damage explosively in one shot.

Absorbing damage 5o become shields is so pointless everyone just stops shooting instantly and Roadhog hooks you lol

Hahaha. Hahahaha. Crippling depression resumes. - Orisas and Sigmas the world over.

They’re not, though. Support slightly lack out-of-combat self-sustain necessary to hold pincer angles and thus exploit single shields and take advantage of off-tank mini-pushes as well as in previous eras and tanks other than Rein are faintly short on TTK (TTD?) and, in some cases, need more diverse utility.

I play titanfall too. That ability is so fun to use.

if only EA actually supported titanfall instead of battlefield. makes me rage everytime

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That might actually be a blessing in disguise.

Give us a good example where EA rub their hands on and it don’t end up dead.

In any case, any tank getting a damage reflection ability would be cool considering how much dps is in the game right now. imagine absorbing a dva ult and outputting all that damage at once in a projectile at a team

Lol ppl actually still think any of the tank line up is op.

Wow not seen comedy like this in ages.


OP might be a strong word. But they are still better than 90 plus percent of the dps and supports. Easily. There are very few exceptions.

She’s not OP, but she’s definitely strong. When you have an ability which cancels all damage for a few seconds, acts as a cleanse, and can be used at mid-ranges, its pretty powerful stuff. Zarya is one of my two tank mains, so I am not speaking out of turn.

Yes, it might be an interesting mechanic. But it also has the potential for downright weird problems/gameplay.

Look no further than Echo’s Ult - which is interesting on both paper and practice, but so much firestorm is cooked up around that ult alone.

I’m more than open to try it out first on experimental mode first though - We had that feature for good reason. Use that!!!

bruh this is overwatch, buggy mechanics is the state of play to the point where doomfist stall points are not removed from the game so he can be viable in ladder but those same stall points are banned from OWL

Forum Moira, Mei, Doom, Zarya and Rein should make their own team and become the #1 OWL team, they don’t even need a 6th.

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I don’t know why people complain so much about rein zarya when, even after the hero bans were lifted, double shield is still the best tank meta (orisa-sigma). Yes, they are better than other tank duos but I personally don’t mind it. They are fun to play and I prefer to play against them rather than against double shield.

That’s because they’re not garbage.

I mean without bubble…

Okay you do realize Echo basically has a WoW’s Warrior’s version of execute or Warlock from MoP’s Shadowburn Execute. Except this is thr strongest execute I’ve ever seen in any blizzard game…
If you’re below 50% you’re dead and you need to get nanoed or spam healed by 2 healers to be at barely enough HP to escape…
And guess what? She can execute you while FLYING!!!
And if thats not bad enough, an Echo gets a kill by dumb luck too because assume she points the beam at you when you’re at 75% hp and someone else gets you to 50% hp…
Its happened many times.
And guess what? All that fast dmg she does with her beam adds to her ult charge fast too.
Then she becomes a better version of the rein on your team and performs 2 or 3 shatters? one of them lands on everyone and kills everything!
But go ahead and tell me why Rein Zarya are a bigger problem than her please.

Yeah sure, if you want all your tank players to quit. Rein and Zarya are not op. They have absolutely no competition because everything else is total garbage.