Y'all broke Sombra's melee-ULT cancel

For almost every character in the game, ulting to cancel the melee animation is possible. This is really good on heros like mccree where you can melee to break a railing before you high noon.

Sombra used to be able to melee, then use emp. That’s gone on live. The reason I think this is a bug and not a nerf is because:

  1. It was not in any patch notes
  2. You can still throw tl-melee-translocate-emp for an animation cancel

Sombra’s emp feels really clunky now. It was also a really cool (but risky) play to melee someone at 99% ult charge then cancel that with emp. Here is a YouTube video to prove that it was like this: Ay5JxNrzUug. (put that after v= on youtube) As you can see, that tiny hit marker right before the EMP goes off is the sombra using her melee and that melee landing on the rein.

I hope you can restore this functionality in a timely manner,
037 :heart: