I been ddosed also on xbox na ranked. It only happens in ranked mode and one time it looked like a 3 stack and one was on a ult account, the ult account had another account added D Dos for sr. What ult account / person adds people called D Dos for sr. Btw this account wasn’t in my match but was ddosed.
Most of the cheaters and toxic players have open profile to see who they added. I’ve been told to end myself by a ult account and I looked up the people added and talked to them and one confirmed that its the same person and their friend. Both main account and ult account are com banned for a bit.
I reported replays in game through the share replay report and did the 3 games I been ddosed but no sr refunded or account leaving from ddos lowered. We should have a ddos report ticket in game to get sr back.
Im hardwired with good internet and only disconnect when winning in ranked lol and the enemy sometimes stand still then move as people get hit off lol. I wonder how my internet overloads from 20ms internet delay to almost 200ms internet delay and only a xbox was on and ate couple hundred mb/s and crashed.
Because im getting ddosed, how does a xbox need a couple hundred mb/s to play a ranked game. I also got unlimited data so I didn’t pass my limit. It crashed from pure overload of ddos packets.
Who ever says ddos are rare on console, they do now more then ever. Last week of season 24 got ddosed 2 times. 1st day of season 25 ddosed. Even if i get a vpn my 5 teammates might not have one so I will still lose sr per match.
They are selling top 500 accounts and sometimes people stack and pay the cheaters to win no matter what. They used to only use xim adapter to use mouse and keyboard on xbox with aim assist. Btw you can buy it on Amazon. Now most players in masters to top 500 use this that I’ve seen. Since most of these boosters have xims they resort to ddosing because its faster and easier to boost players and they don’t have to sweat against another mouse and keyboarder with aim assist for a chance to lose to another cheater.
Please make cross save so I can play pc with all my stuff and from the money i save from free online on pc, I will buy a vpn, also I think more of my team on pc would have vpns. Maybe see if you can make a warning saying before you join ranked saying you must have a vpn or have a chance of getting ddosed.