Wrong stats on Career Profile?!

On Nintendo Switch I also have this problem and it never worked at all, played at least over 50 hours already and the whole career profile is totally bugged and says I played 4 matches.

It also changes from 3 to 5 played matches etc.
This bug is so annoying and I dont understand why this has not been fixed yet at all.
It is very frustrating that the problem is still there after 2 weeks of launch Blizzard dev team.

Having the same problem. Time played has been stuck on 63hours for a week now

Yeah many are having this issue. Luckily Blizzard have finally acknowledged the bug and are working on it.

Same issue on Xbox series X. I ended OW 1 with 1,002 hrs and now its says i only have 823 hrs. My most played hero was Moira with 200 hrs and now shes second with only 73 hrs??? My top 3 are all wrong with weong hours and my statistics are completely wrong as well.

Same on PC/PS4 shared profile.

Most of my PS4 hours were scrubbed except for Ana oddly enough. Also my stats are a mess, I apparently have -74 losses as Lucio giving me a 134% win rate… maybe not a total loss then?

Where did they ackowledge the bug?

On twitter under the @BlizzardCS account

Same here man I’m missing tons of hours on orisa and every other character Also play time. I’m also missing skins sprays and even golden guns I know I had in the first game including orisa and Moria. I really hope blizzard will resolve this issue and get everyone there stays and cosmetics fixed

Seems like Blizzard doesn’t care… you always get the same answer:

"Hello there,

If you appear to be missing all your Overwatch progress, make sure that you are logging into the correct Battle.net account and that you have merged any console accounts with Overwatch progress to your Battle.net account. Unless you are logging in to the correct account and have the correct console accounts merged to it, you will not see your cosmetic items."

I only have 1 battlenet and 1 psn account… and I’m sick of this BS


same here! for me i’ve mostly lost a lot of hours on heroes, and it seems to be struggling to update. For example its telling me i have 40 hours on reaper when i originally had more, and i’ve probably (sadly) played around 40 hours on reaper since the launch of OW2 yet nothing has changed! lol!

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I’m having the same problem - my most used in OW1 was Symmetra with 100+ hours but now she’s only second with 53 hours. I haven’t taken any notice if her or anybody else’s playtime has changed since playing OW2, but I did notice I have 2-3 hours with Junker Queen and Kiriko. It also says I have 236 hours in the Arcade on only 105 hours in Quick Play… which is very wrong lol

I hope there’s a fix soon because a lot of us have played for years and it sucks to lose all that progress

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Yeah, everyone’s stats are wrong.

i just want to add myself to the list of incorrect career profiles on PS5. i played OW1 for over 300 hours on PS4 and it even shows on my PSN profile but in OW2 the career profile stats are completely wrong and are constantly dropping randomly as i play more.

i contacted Blizzard support and three weeks later they finally replied with a message that had nothing to do with what i was reporting. They explained to me how to report missing skins or something. sigh.

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Same here and it seems we gonna get stuck with wrong carrier profile lmao amazing job blizzard.

Hoping to see some sort of update from Blizzard’s original from a month ago. My stats still are completely off and fluctuate between PC and PS4

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Same issue here and only got a generic message directing me here, which gets me nothing but other individuals with the same issues. 6+ years of overwatch stats is just a jumble mess. Top three aren’t my mains my game play hours is somehow 500 hours when I was somewhere over 3k and the stats that seem to reset or gave some random person career profile reflects the 500 hours. not to mention it seems I’m was paired up with folks no where near my competitive level. Hope they resolve this soon. Going to be avoiding the game until they do.


I am back at 1 rank game played with Lucio - 5 minutes total play time on Nintendo Switch.
Very interesting after an entire 1 1/2 weeks without any display of my stats at all.
I am Battle Pass Level 167 now by the way.

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Other than my account being lost (I have an open ticket for that already that’s been no help). My account isn’t tracking progress, like all my eliminations and wins aren’t being recorded, so my game says I’ve only played 17 games and only won 7. I’ve played way more than that since it came out

Still no word on a fix for this issue? My Symmetra playtime has gone from 100+ hours, to 56, to now 14 lol