Wrong stats on Career Profile?!

Nice to know I’m not the only one facing this bug! Thanks guys.


yeah same here my career and character hours got lower and it didn’t fix with this new update.


Mines are messed up as well. I’ve been playing comp a lot and the stats don’t update. but the funny thing is that I was looking at one of my friends profile and he has hours I ended OW1 with.


Just noticed mine are now wrong too had 48 hours on Genji and now its 21 hours. Cut over half my playtime and now Orisa is my most played with 30 hours.


Same dude, its annoying the hell outta me

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Are there no moderators to delete or put all the duplicates in one place? Are you guys even bothering to search the forum? If we post to the same thread, maybe Blizzard will take a thread with thousands of replies more serious than thousands of dupes?


Same problem on Xbox. Shows 345 hours of comp And has one character with 6 hours played. No current or past comp seasons are correct. Please fix


I’m having a huge problem with this one, I’m losing stats. I got the achievement on Xbox for a 20 player kill streak and it showed on there yesterday but log in today. My highest is 15 now, with my games not going up at all 7 games at 4 wins and 0 losses so not adding up. And my top player that I’ve played hours on not even on there. My eliminations are going down yet my hours playing is also going down.


THISS I already had to make a new account cuz i havent played in a few years, but now all my new stats are wrong. SYMMETRA IS SOMEHOW MY SECOND HIGHEST WITH 4 MINUTES. I NEVER USE HER. Yesterday it had said my second highest was orisa with like 30 minutes, and even that was wrong. Now my stats for my highest (Ana) only counted my time using her from today. Like come on this is so demotivating.

Same problem here, it says i won 15 matches and lost 5. Has been saying that since launch and ive played over 70 matches. I had a 16-18 kill streak says my highest is 8. It says i played 2 hours and i played over 40 at this point. But i unlocked competitive mark after 50 won quickplay matches but it says i played 21 matches lol. Every single stat is wrong except my eliminations and deaths i think. I fear its the reason my matchmaking has been brutal for me because its hard stuck at a positive win rate but iv’e been losing over 60% of my matches facing bomb squads.

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Same issue here with Xbox Series X


Same issue here, on Nintendo Switch.

Same here I’m not sure why but all the hours I had in ow1 are gone.

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Same. Game now thinks Lucio is my second most played, rather than 6th (as he was for me in OW1). I don’t understand… I’d only played the Beta on my Battlenet account, and I wasn’t playing Lucio, so I have no idea where those hours have come from.

I was just looking around if people are having the same issue regarding the career profile bug. It updates the most recent match i did (comp) and completely overwrites the other stats (highest elims on dva so far is around 51) but the game registered that my highest was just 44 which was my most recent, not only that, i suddenly have hours on Ashe in QP when i never used her and with 28 elims record?

I mainly play tank esp in comp and if i use dps, it’s mostly junkrat, torb, reaper and mei with torb, i am certain i’ve spent the most hours with (qp) and mei in comp.

Sometimes if i check my profile or my duo friend, it doesn’t show any hero of games played (0 hours)

I wish this is addressed by Blizzard. Tbh, all of these could have been avoided if OW2 was just a paid DLC instead of a sequel and completely wiping the competitive history from season 1 is still and truly unforgivable. Ugh.

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Same + ALL of my (previous ranked seasons are gone from my stats)??? and I play since season 1.
The only seasons that show up on my career profile are season 33 and 35.
I think somehow accounts got mixed up with the launch of Ow2 for some reason… having the stats of other players or something like that.
Ow2 is far from done.


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On Nintendo Switch I also have this problem and it never worked at all, played at least over 50 hours already and the whole career profile is totally bugged and says I played 4 matches.

It also changes from 3 to 5 played matches etc.
This bug is so annoying and I dont understand why this has not been fixed yet at all.
It is very frustrating that the problem is still there after 2 weeks of launch Blizzard dev team.

Having the same problem. Time played has been stuck on 63hours for a week now

Yeah many are having this issue. Luckily Blizzard have finally acknowledged the bug and are working on it.

Same issue on Xbox series X. I ended OW 1 with 1,002 hrs and now its says i only have 823 hrs. My most played hero was Moira with 200 hrs and now shes second with only 73 hrs??? My top 3 are all wrong with weong hours and my statistics are completely wrong as well.