Wrecking ball what is he good for?

Winston is way more of a main tank. But I can see you’re where coming from

It’s just smash team about, slam squishes, shoot, shield. Rinse and repeat. Not high skill whatsoever. You probably jumped 1000sr from one tricking so no doubt u will defend it

Rolls right through teams set up behind barriers and isn’t scared of anything, except maybe Sombra.

Also awesome at removing teams from high ground and is a constant threat on maps with pitfalls.

He’s a disruption tank that excels at getting in, causing a distraction and displacing the enemy team quite a lot. Which then gives room for your team to move in.

His ult is a great area denier and can force an enemy team away or into one more localized spot

I’ve been in my current SR range for every season since 4, but okay.

What is high skill to you?

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By the way, do you think Hammond could use some buffs?

I had these in mind, but honestly I don’t play much Hammond.

Tracer, dva and widow are all the hardest heroes for different reasons

I think he’s already pretty strong. Faster reload in ball form will just mean theres no point in normal reloading

Widow is easy. All you do is click, click, click, grapple, click.

Tracer is easy. All you do is shift, click M1, shift, shift, click m1, recall when health low.

D.VA is easy. All you do is shift, m1, e, rmb when enemy m1s, so easy.


Nah Winston is a very very front line tank, he lacks the damage to play off tank.

He’d be a great tank if Adaptive Shield didn’t kill his momentum and make him vulnerable. Adaptive Shield could eat so many high-value cooldowns and abilities but for now Wrecking Ball exists to push people around.

Lol no widow high precision and position, tracer highly reactive to dodge cooldowns and stay alive, dva probably requires the highest IQ of all with her defence matrix, then she has to peel and dive aswell

Widowmaker needs absolutely no skill in order to get into position. It’s all clicking. Hammond does require skill to get anywhere. For Widowmaker to get onto a ledge, you need to look at the ledge, and press shift. For Hammond, you have to find a correct grapple point, grapple, release at just the right time so that you don’t fly too far in the air and become an easy target, and quickly move on.

Hammond also requires the use of a tactic called ‘baiting’- you play a mindgame with the enemy, trying to bait out cooldowns then get out alive, only to dive in once again later. Takes a lot of skill to do that while dodging as many shots as you can while keeping track of every other cooldown the enemy has. It’s entirely possible to dodge attacks as Hammond given enough distance, and so spacing is required as well.

Are you seriously saying that this doesn’t take skill? https://gfycat.com/IgnorantFlimsyAztecant

Position takes brain cells with widow like where to gets the most value without being vulnerable. Hammond is just the tank version of doomfist can just win games with cheesy cooldowns

Dva and iq lol, most brainless hero in the game.

Well yeah at low levels where she is just a fat dps, but in high ranks she is the most versatile hero. Even her ult takes high mathmatical calculations

lmaooo, thats why you’re a plat player. Can’t even see your profile because its most likely true

I think Hammond is a decent hero. But just like with other decent/balanced heroes, he has some rough counters and sometimes you just have to swap.

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No I’m a 3.4k lol every Hammond player at my rank I look at profile was low plat before release. Ring true? you mad?

Then you of all players should know the value Hammond brings. But you don’t.
So I can’t argue with you.