Hamster boy has a skill ceiling almost as high as Doomfist. You have to know how to ise the abilities in the correct way to get the maximum usage out of them. So what if dva/winston can escape if they get hooked? Your average reinhardt cant so whats the big deal? And damn I can taste the salty bias coming from someone who tried to use the new hero and got bopped so now i need to complain online about how bad he is. You probably arent the best WB in the world. I guarantee that somebody could destroy you with WB easily, and im not saying that as a threat. Im saying it as a fact. Im no good at sombra, and her kit is unique, but that doesnt make her a throw pick does it? If you know how to use the hero it can be good it certain situations. Wrecking Ball in my opinion has more point presence with his 1300 possible health, and while his ultimate can be destroyed, it lasts longer and does more damage overall than a dva bomb. Plus, if the enemy is sitting there disarming your mines, they probably arent standing on the objective. And if you think that WB job is to walk into the enemy team and die you are mistaken. And I mean cmon man. 600 health. Dva. Whats the big deal here? You can feed as any hero so why put it all on a hamster
Which I think is the problem with the weapon in and of itself, if Wrecking Ball is the tank version of Doomfist then he needs to rely less on his abilities and more on his gun because said abilities don’t OTK.
That’s my point, the ability encourages you to overextend for value.
It’s not really an issue of counter play because there’s no interaction between the two abilities, Orisa and Wrecking Ball are unique in the sense that once they ult, the enemy ults in return and destroys their ultimate. Even when you look at something like Transcendence or Beat Drop, the enemies ultimate is still doing damage and the team’s combined damage can push thru’ the healing or shields. There’s a reason why Orisa players hate her ultimate, and designing a second ultimate with the same problem as Orisa’s is really questionable.
Completely agreed
Completely agreed, I listed all of its problems but I don’t think all of those problems need to be addressed.
Until you actually learn WHERE you need to grapple, to perform actions based on the placement of the enemies. Until then, you’re just a confused mess with no knowledge of where to grapple.
This is definitely not true. Hammond can easily rip down a character in seconds with this.
Not even close to high.
I’m pretty sure this slot is reserved for Symmetra’s wall.
Ummmmmm… No. Not by a long shot. This ultimate is devastating for area denial and killing enemies.
Which dive tank isn’t hard countered by ALL of them? Are you seeing a theme yet?
This is definitely true.
I totally disagree. This character brings a great deal with backline threat, point capture, payload movement, threat to high ground, and even more. This character brings a TON of threat to the game.
Overextension is not the problem here. Like with any dive tank, you need to prepare before diving. After the grapple is used to get above the enemy, you shoot, then piledrive, then shoot and kill them. By then, you have the grapple coldown back and you get out of there, using adaptive shielding if necessary. WB can do 100 damage with piledriver and another 50 using the tether. If his guns can do 100 reliable damage then thats all they need. If you need point presense than you have another tank, and if you cant bust tanks then 3 dive characters and a reaper would work just fine. WB wont do winston’s or Dva’s jobs, he will do his own job and dive meta may have to adapt to that.
How is he a throw pick, on some maps, you can use him to hold points with ease and you can use his shields to deny enemy ult charge, he can get from point A to point B with the grape very easy and can throw enemies off the point with the knock away. You have him all wrong right now.
Using the skill cap argument isn’t a defense against a character being objectively awful - Doomfist was one of the worst characters in the game regardless of his skill cap, until Blizzard buffed him into viability and the metagame changed in his favor. Even Sombra players think the current Sombra is a throw pick and have stopped playing her, and while I’m sure there are better players who can play Wrecking Ball well (and you’re just assuming I can’t play him at all, I have a positive winrate and over 30 hours played with him on PTR and QP so far) that doesn’t mean other tanks aren’t just demonstrably better in his slot.
I “put it all on hamster” because his kit is practically designed to encourage feeding, and he really isn’t worth playing over the alternatives. It’s a pity because I like the hero and he’s fun to play, but Blizzard just didn’t get it right on launch and really need to adjust his kit in order to deal with the problems they overlooked on PTR. People are going to play him in competitive and then drop him like a rock, it’s the Orisa release all over again.
Saying WB is a throw is like saying Widow is a throw. Sure, someone who has no clue what they are doing would feed, but in the right hands, it becomes very challenging to beat
No? Widowmaker at her skill ceiling is an oppressive character with limited counters, where Wrecking Ball at his skill ceiling is an annoying character whose easily answered - it’s not the same thing at all, and you can practically justify anything you want to with the “skill” argument.
What’s Orisa at her skill ceiling?
I’ll tell you:
Its the only reason the London Spitfire won
And saying a widow has limited counters? Evr heard of dive?
Have you ever heard how many people say “the only answer to a Widow is a better Widow” or seen how many games come down to Widow play? There’s a difference between the carry potential of a sniper and a tank, that’s just the way the game is designed, and it’s practically a strawman to compare the two as if they’re the same thing.
I hope that when people learn how to actually use him, none of you complain about him being OP
If Wrecking Ball is “the tank version of Doomfist,” who is a damage character, wouldn’t it make sense that Wrecking Ball has less kill potential than Doomfist? On the whole, Tanks do less overall damage per ability/second with some special exceptions like Charge, Self-Destruct, Supercharger (damage amp potential) and offer setup for the rest of their team. When I think of Setup, I think of piledriver’s displacement, Zarya and Rein ultimates, Orisa’s Supercharger, and the use of shields to provide opportunity to teammates to do their dirty work. Most of Doomfist’s abilities kind of set himself up for success, you know? Teammates can capitalize on Doomfist’s displacement and stuns, but the window of opportunity is less when compared to Tank setup windows.
I thought the mantra of this game was “positioning is key?” Swift destruction should punish poor timing or positioning on a 3 star difficulty hero. Look at Ana, Genji, Mei, Zarya…I think Hamster should enter a fight with a Harmony orb, get bubbled as he does piledriver or is on the downswing, and use Adaptive shield to defend against the scenario once the Armor life is gone, similar to Orisa’s Fortify usage when face tanking to protect supports. This personal shield usage should offer the opportunity for burst healing from Brigitte/Ana or sustained heals from Ana during the engagement. Of course this is an optimal scenario using a dream comp but most of the heroes I am picturing are meta-relevant and in the hero pools of your average matchmaking lobby or LFG squad.
I’m speaking more in the most basic terms that “ultimate usage is an appropriate and sometimes necessary response to enemy ultimate usage.” Sombra can immediately blow out the speakers once the beat has been dropped provided she has the quick-charging EMP ready (please farm ults on tanks). She could also wait until the push is underway and take advantage of overconfident play or “in too deep” investment of ults/resources. As for Orisa’s ultimate: On my platform dropped superchargers are rarely destroyed in my experience, but when I play on PC they get focused harder than an ulting Pharah. It’s a weird disconnect, so I may have different views on Supercharger than a PC player. Anything further would I think best be saved for an Ult Economy thread.
P.S. What’s “OTK?”
I don’t think those people have tried barrier spam yet.
Wrecked Ball has the same problem as Doomfrail:
They’re heroes expected to dive in, but aren’t given the tools to do so effectively.
For example:
EXACTLY like Rising Uppercut, Piledriver just as much sets Hammond himself up to be picked off as it does the enemy target. It’s NOT advantageous to use.
From playing him, I think he definitely would benefit from some quality of life improvements.
- Allow the grapple hook to be used on the floor. I currently see no reason why that isn’t possible. It would allow him to fling forward without being depended on a wall.
- Allow the adaptive shield to be used while in ball mode without transforming back.
How can you swing on a floor except for using centrifugal force? Or is that the whole concept?
It doesn’t use centrifugal force. There would be no difference to grappling a wall and flinging forward.
So you would randomly grapple the floor and suddenly have increased movement speed, or would you need to go to the end to trigger some sort of rubberized swing back?
This needs to make sense to me.
No, you would have to accelerate, just like when you grapple a wall. Just test it on the practice range, it makes completely sense regarding the design.
As a note, the added force via the grappling hook doesn’t actually make physically sense, since you don’t really have to “swing” to accelerate. You simply have to grapple something.
He needs to be able to bounce enemies away while doing his normal roll without maximum speed. Since the way it is now it’s too easy to block him and not let him use grapple for its intended effect.
He should be able to grapple the floor. His grapple range is not that far, so it either needs to be made longer or give him floor grapple mechanics.
Adaptive shields should be useable in ball form and the cooldown is far too long and the radius is too small.
He does not do enough damage with his guns and the ammo clip is too small
He’s countered HARD by Mei and Sombra, they can effectively make him useless with the way he is now
I just don’t see any reason to choose Hammond over Winston or DVA currently, he’s just too weak and situational.