Would more HUD cosmetics be good?

There seems to be a decent reception to the Signatures thing, but that’s going to be fairly limited since there’s only going to be one set of them and it’s tied to a specific mode. I think UI based cosmetics are always nice since they’re something you actually constantly get to see, like I think that’s why people miss level borders for portrait and rank icons below portrait.

Like something like this as a cosmetic category would be sick

and that’s just what you could get by overlapping a still image over the existing HUD, imagine what they could do if they could change the existing UI elements or add animation.

Doesn’t have to be a full overlay either, just something like custom ult meters would be a great cosmetic imo


80 bucks


I wouldn’t mind it but it will just be used as filler content and we already have more than enough of that garbage.

They are already adding banners for the tags that nobody cares about.

Btw ppl liked level borders because they actually meant something and wasn’t just stuff you buy from the shop or event.

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Nope. I would not want that if it clutters up my screen that much. Maybe alternative announcer voices would be neat.

Yes! I want my moira announcer voice

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