Worst. Matchmaking. Ever

Well change the dang algorithm. It currently sucks. Hard.


I gotta hand it to you. you got people to actually LISTEN for once on the match maker system. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

@wyomingmyst - Lets talk! :slight_smile:

How to fix that match maker system.

( I wrote a large idea on how to fix it, but decided to summarize)

Ultimately the player base complains that match maker is bad because of players that give up and/or leave.

  • Playertrust is NOT there ( people whom do NOT want to be que’d with new players).

  • Players that do NOT like to be placed WITH pre-made teams and have to FACE pre-made teams. Team bullying is a BIG issue this patch.


  • Individuals TIRED of Widowmaker duels and widows having to duel because two people simply CANNOT go outside of the match and settle their differences. ( I did tf2 hosting, sniper dueling became ridiculous and OBSTRUCTED matches).
  • The match ONLY selecting ONE player with HIGH ELO placed on a team, when it needs 3.


  • Someone that literally just bought an alternative account and que’d for Competitive play, only to NOT play at their best because they are using an alternate account and have NOTHING to lose. Bans on ANY level will not work. I know from EXPERIENCE that VAC no longer worked for hosting when TF2 went Free to play.

Competitive play especially suffers from this.

Since some of us cannot afford to have a smart phone ON. Verification are a BAD idea and do not even THINK for one second that people can always present a Drivers license or state issued ID, just to play competitive mode.

The competitive system will NEED a NEW over-haul where player QUALITY rating is going to have to be presented to the player themselves and be the determining factor. SR is no longer the the answer, as there are good folks whom are WILLING to try and win. The “endorsement system”. That is inaccurate because it is a popularity contest. No offense :slight_smile:

Cheers, GL , stay safe!


And ur on console. The playerbase there is practically dead.

Hey just logged in now for the first time today, first 2 games GM with high master duo stack in enemy team, got destroyed. Fun game eh?

Right now we’re playing Reaperwatch. It’s pretty common to see a reaper headroll 1v4 to 1v6, since Blizzard is ridiculous and refuses to admit they can make mistakes when balancing.

i totaly agree with topic.
Never have i seen such an unfair and unbalanced matchmaking.
doesnt matter if Quickplay or Arcade…
Smurf infected… carry games…
jsut pain in a** like hell to get nuked several times to MAYBE win a game once in 10 games.
Dropping SR like candy

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This post is so old I replied with my old account in this topic.