Worst. Matchmaking. Ever

Post title says it all.

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If you really want to make your point hit to home, you really got to try and provide us some details of what you’re not liking about the matchmaking.

Remember the matchmaker is merely comparing players of a fixed skill rating number. While there are other factors such as group size and server location, we cannot expect the algorithm to take into account different player behaviors, hero choices, etc.


Maybe give us some ideas on how to fix it instead of basically throwing a tantrum?


Maybe give some constructive feedback instead of basically throwing a tantrum?
(responded to the wrong person lul)


Maybe communicate without just being mean to look edgy? I think the matchmaking is garbage. How hard is that to comprehend? Constantly getting matched with people hundreds of levels above me, and I see lots of other people with the same complaint.

Also, the weekly lootboxes being tied to arcade mode only is annoying as hell too. Why should I have to play games like mystery heroes, and lose games simply because RNG decided the other team should have 2 reins zarya mercy and lucio while giving our team soldiers and hanzos. Make QP count for lootboxes as well, so skill and teamwork earn you rewards, not RNGesus being on your team.


How is it that on my console account, I’m mid plat but I get games where there’s diamonds and masters on the other team, then there’s ppl on level 18 on mine???

Level 18? That means you were not playing Competitive Play. Competitive Skill Rating/Hidden MMR is not applied in Quick Play or Arcade matchmaking, there are seperate Hidden MMR for those casual modes that you are suppose to have fun regardless of presented skill.


Seriously there is something wrong when low tier players have to face masters or above on a constant basis.


As a gold/plat brat, I personally like the opportunity to fight against Diamond, Masters, Etc as it gives me a chance to learn. But I also know they may not play nearly as seriously as they would in Competitive so I don’t let their presented Competitive Rank deter my experience.


laughs In my experience that rarely happens.


Howd you get green post status?

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I do not think people learn from being stomped, only getting frustrated. Amateur boxers would not like being beaten into a pulp by Mike Tyson. You learn nothing from that.
Training WITH him helps, being destroyed does not.


I help players in the Tech Support forum. What I say here on General Discussion is my personal opinion.

Why shouldn’t there be good matchmaking in qp? I want to be able to do my best in practise for comp. I can’t do that if I’m being wrecked by beasts on genji


Let me give an example, I often play arcade modes like Deathmatch late in the night, more often than not I sometimes get paired against Diamonds or Masters and they are crazy good. Now I work to test my best heroes against them to see how I can figure out how to beat them. I may succeed and I may not. But I have fun regardless. Again, this is my personal opinion of such situations.

I had a game the other day where I was against a master on reaper and he basically 1v6ed our entire team, how do I learn from that. Why can’t I just be matched with plats only? This mmr system clearly doesn’t make the games any more fun or balanced.


Whenever you die in a match of Overwatch, that means you as a player made a mistake. This mistake can be anything from being out-of-position or missing a shot on an opponent. Regardless of the opponent’s skill, it is important to figure out what mistakes are being made and finding solutions to correct it. Don’t get me wrong, its NOT easy to learn from mistakes and sometimes it seems impossible to get around them. However that is why Overwatch allows you to switch your hero throughout the match and will place you back in your spawn area in order to reset your position and regroup with your team.

I feel like this is off topic here. We’re talking about a matchmaking system that puts people in games where we get stomped to hell. We shouldn’t have to work around that. It shouldn’t be a problem in the first place.


Well as I said, in my opinion. I do not see casual modes matchmaking pairing me with players with a higher skill rating than me as a problem with that mode’s matchmaking. Remember that casual modes have looser restrictions but they are intended to get in and play quickly otherwise they will become less fun if we are not allowed to pair up with friends (especially friends of a significantly higher or lower skill rating than our own).