Worst advice you've received in-game

When the game first launched someome told me not to play Tracer on defense because she is an attack hero.


^ oh god, this one hurt.

a few days ago i was defending as winston and someone told me to stay on the payload, instead of diving the enemy backline. detail: we were winning all fights. 🤷


I was told by a really high rank (forgot the exact one, but they were pretty high) to not place my torb turret anywhere as its “useless”. and this is when i first started playing the game.


I was told by another player that playing shield was counter productive to winning. This was like 4 months ago. Guy was completely serious and insulted me the entire game for playing shield tank. Even after I saved him from a DVA ult with my shield.


keep playing, it will get better, hahaha my life in WOW all over again

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Earlier today a Doomfist blamed me because he seems to think as Hammond I should just immediately mindlessly roll into the enemy team face first and he said I must’ve never played Hammond before. When I tried to tell him if I’d do that I’d just end up getting stunned endlessly and feeding he called me retarded.

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Yes, that’s what people expect you to do for some reason. I hate it.

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Early on in the game someone told me to spam Lucio’s E on CD. I did that for the longest time, too, not knowing any better. XD


My ult is almost ready/actually ready and there’s nothing to switch to counter

someone on my team: “switch”


:rofl: Same! First time I played him, someone told me to just press that button every single time it becomes available.


Pretty much.

Best part was next game I had them on the enemy team. Guess who got solo shattered a lot :joy:

Best advice is “just win 4head”

“Mercy rez!” Will always be my favorite. It’s amazing to me because she is an easy hero. Yet some people seem to have no idea how she functions. I won’t rez one person into a lost teamfight. Even if I get the rez off I’ll just stagger our team.


dude, wtf???
that advice give me cancer… then cure it

(Pre shadow step buff) “Go reaper they have a widow”

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NANI? … IN WHAT WORLD… ive lost all faith in humanity


lol, that remind me a game i had months ago
a hammond was pissed because i damage boost teammates, and using the pistol to finish ultra low enemies

he start insilting me for not follow him to the enemy lines to die, and type on general chat “report the mercy for being several insults, he was throwing the game”

I was told that Tracer was the best counter to Symmetra because “she can shoot the turrets.”


A player messaged me, “We could really use a Widow,” as a way of asking me to switch to Widow.

On Gibralter in a comp game someone said
“We should hold down here next to the mega”

-we should hold in the pit of death?