World Cup Paris Stage - Day 1 Discussion

watchpoint is so boring

I’m currently watching 2 different streams so for about an hour I won’t be properly covering this game, I’ll try and do updates though

Ayyy UK notch up their first series win IT’S COMING HOME

And of course there needs to be a guy translating everything to French.

Zenyatter’s how you pronounce it, right?

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for some reason my connection to twitch was broken thanks BenDubz for taking over.

The countdown clock is still counting down . Twitch stream is now 100% active on my end for this exciting event.

Now for the 2nd of just 2 games across all 4 groups with just 1 OWL/Contenders player

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fun fact:
both countries mention each other in their national anthems

i know we are underdogs, we have no known and significant players and that our chances for going to next round are very slim because :fr: and :uk: are strong … but our guys never surrender :bangbang:

:poland: :poland: :poland: :poland: :poland: :poland: :poland: :poland: :poland: :poland: :poland:


btw. RIP flag icon :rage:

THe next battle is one of the underdogs, expect nothing and enjoy the fight. All is on the line.

The dutch also mention the Germans in their anthem… wont stop them from kicking our asses this afternoon.

Edit: i will be supporting Poland!

Interesting fact: In both games with just the 1 OWL/Contenders team (Switzerland v Austria in LA, and now Italy v Poland), that one player is from the same team - EU Contenders team We Have Org

YEA SICK DRAGONSTRIKE :poland: :poland: :poland: :poland:

Tfw you realise Pacific time it’s just gone 4AM, and Jake is in the commentary booth

wow, even i am suprised how Poland plays :open_mouth: :poland: :poland: :poland:

This point is flipping so much i think it’s a pancake

wow, nice Italy :it: !

Never underestimate underdog teams they have nothing to lose but have everything to prove to their critics. The best fights are with the underdogs in my opinion.

Okay I’m able to properly focus now other stream I was watching finished

#PROLAND :poland: :bangbang: