🌐 World Cup is Cancelled?

Who Knows?

Honestly would post the YourOverwatch vid about it, but too tired to deal with toxic fools today.

Rumors say maybe it’s because of an expansion

But just because here is something complete different instead fools.

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Classic Doomfish I see.:wink:


Slept 4 hours today. Don’t you love Government Shutdowns. (sarcasm)

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Well since Tenor ask
 I hold no blame
 please private toxic messages to him or her or it

It’s outstanding :wink:

Unpopular opinion

World Cup is more enjoyable than OWL and Contenders.


Last year I wouldn’t call an Enjoyable exp
 more like cringe.

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IS there an actual reason why it is or isn’t happening?

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I mean could be other kinds of concerns or something

like Security

If I had to hazard a guess, it would be to save money. The World Cup was a pretty expensive thing for the money it generated. It was a marketing thing mostly.


Is it even confirmed cancelled or are you speculating just like the video is?

Who says me
 I just post about what other “news people” say.

Probably not the wisest idea when the “”"""" source “”"""" isn’t that concrete .

Its a slow news day
 with a lot of leaks.

That doesn’t justify posting blatant speculation and then passing it off as fact in the title.

I did put a “?”

Yeah it sounds like you’re asking why it’s cancelled. This is extraordinarily misleading. imo it seems like they want a smaller gap between OWL and OWWC so there’s always something about OW happening with no breaks.

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Again four hours of sleep. (literally being powered by caffeine and suger today.)

I don’t trust BTC tbh