World Cup Bangkok Stage - Day 1 discussion

What I want to know is who allowed Bren and Sideshow to cast.

does the audio sound weird for anyone else? it feels like the casters are louder than the game itself

Casters are louder on my stream too.
Anyone else noticed D.Va voiceline spamming? Just like a true D.Va player :grin:

someone’s mic is really close to their mouth too bc i can hear every pop sound whenever he says a “p” or something like it

Dang, that Nano Genji on Cap A was a sick move.
They’re (Thailand) is getting a bit careless with their Ults trickling now though while Denmark have them all stacked prepared for Overtime.

Alright everyone, I am feeling a bit ill tonight. So I might pass out at any moment. So no frequent scoreboard updates from me. I will try to edit the main scoreboard above if I wake up every now and then. However due to lack of participation, I am going to keep all discussion for all 5 matches tonight on this single thread. Cheers! (^^)v


i am so nervous, go Australia

hope you feel better soon

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I’m cheering for Australia (I’m from Melbourne) but I know Spain is a strong team.

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Oh god that Sombra spamming I need healing is making my ears bleed

I noticed that too! :stuck_out_tongue:
Australia takes the lead. That’s one crazy Winston though.

I wonder if we will get these international skins.

i doubt it but i would love those Australian skins

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haha, yea so feel my pain of watching OWL late XD

i wont watch much today tho because i have work to do :frowning:

its Sweden vs China now



I really appreciate these threads, keep up the good work and get better soon.

Good morning tiddly peeps, let’s see what I’ve missed so far

So Denmark beat Thailand 3-1,

And Australia beat Spain 3-1

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its Sweden vs China now



map 1
Sweden 0 - 1 China

I really think you should have the ability to pin your posts, so everyone can always see them and join us :slight_smile:

(Even though I mostly skulk around instead of posting haha)

Feel better soon.

This new SHD team is fantastic.