World Cup: Canada vs. United States - FINAL

Wait, there’s another Canada with a Chinese flag? Cool. They might still win a group stage.

Bro our health care sucks.

The World Cup is just a formality anyway. It’s basically a contest between who loses to South Korea. And the team lucky enough to only have to play them by getting to the final is the one. USA had to play SK on the same side of the bracket last World Cup. Only reason Canada got 2nd.

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Its freeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Just dont die waiting in the ER with a tree branch going through your head

USA WON ITS! Not a doubt in my mind about that. Hey check this out yall:

In BC you get taxed up the butt and sent a bill every month… “free”

My dad had a heart attack and couldn’t remember my mom who was standing beside him and even though she begged them to keep him for a day (for obvious reasons) they forced him out and he had another heart attack… he is no longer with us…

My uncle had pneumonia and was full on delirious, with his power of medical attorney present, they said he needed the fluid drained but it was risky, his attorney said not to perform it, until the other treatments made him stable, that night they did anyways and he died… They “lost” all the paper work and denied a legal presence and had the case thrown out…

Me having seizure losing vision in 1 eye and having the person at admissions tell me I faked it, my wife insisting she see a super and 2 hours later getting taken into the back for potentially life threatening seizures… Literally had nurses laughing at me for it, until the neurologist shut them up and took me in…

Our health care system sucks…

Though now I am way off OW subject matter, apologizes hahaha.

USA USA USA Canada is just a hat!

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So would that make everything below the USA it’s pants?

No because you don’t attach a hat to pants you silly canadian!