World Cup Bangkok Stage - Day 1 discussion


Good point. I wouldn’t be surprised if team china was the new china team player pool for S2.

Isn’t Mana, Reinforce, Tviq and chpis already on OWL teams? Pretty sure they are.

Manneten and Chipshajen both got released from their teams, Reinforce was on the desk as an analyst in S1

Oh, I had no idea. I can understand why much better now.

You do not pay attention that well… Tviq and Man are Florida Mayhem, Chips is Dallas Fuel and Reinforce is an OWL Desk Caster… and pretty much the only caster in OWL that knows what they are talking about.

Wyoming has made a thread with all off-season movements so it’s easy for everybody to track:

Thats what I thought, but our friend said Tviq was the only one with a spot so I was a little confused. I didn’t realize they got released.

(except reinforce, probably why I though he was on a team)

Sky from China was in S1 as well, on Shanghai, but he didn’t get much playtime, and was one of the 8 dropped in the off-season

This is a very interesting defense from Sweden. It’s the single-support pick comp from the OWL playoffs, but with a Junkrat variant replacing Hanzo

Didn’t work very well

Sky and Yveltal are more than proving they belong, time and time again they’re keeping their team up in spite of Swedish ultimates

I wish Myst’s posts like the one you linked would get pinned… I must have missed it into the … well … that is general chat …

This is a huge shake up going in to S2. SHD purged hard, omg.

Agreed, all of china is proving the deserve a spot. I haven’t been this into a match since stage 1 when everyone had this much passion.

We could have the worst defence, but that’s okay because so did Sweden


Jake really does love good Junkrat play, it’s adorable

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did someone said

im here
im listening :smiley:

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I love Anubis B, it’s so defense favoured

Sweden’s time wasn’t even that bad, but that is a huge deficit for overtime rounds

I like watching CP2 in pro play, but always want to pull my hair out when I’m the one playing it haha.

OMG that junk position

10/10 I give it…a 10!


cheers mate, the cavalrys here :3