World Cup: Austria vs. United States - FINAL

Seagull guy! I wonder what he’ll do next year with no Gull to back

Apparently in the Canada-Austria game Agilities was on Lucio and got a 4k boop. I didn’t believe them when they said that, I do now. Austria have been completely outclassed by the US

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im too lazy to go look at wyoming’s thread but is birdring still here? theres always him

Single support Ana with Torb, the disrespect

also i like how team USA is just owl players. thats really cool

Birdring is still signed with the London Spitfire from what I understand, he is currently on hiatus to rest his long-term wrist injury.

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A fair point, Bird is still there, but I know from him regularly posting on reddit that Seagull guy is a Dallas fan.

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I also will observe Seagull streams still displaying the Dallas Fuel logo, he may have a content creator contract established with them.

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If this is a full hold I wouldn’t be surprised to see some attack Torb tbh

Sym/Bastion wouldn’t surprise me either, US are just meming now


O_0 USA are making a statement.

Great now everyone is going to be playing Symmetra in comp for the next two weeks:

After Map 3

Watch on: Twitch - YouTube

US going for the Finland spawn camp, oh boi

The sad part is that actually worked somewhat in the Finland/South Korea match despite the LAN server crash…

How the hell did Space get ult so quick? They lost the first fight!

The problem I am seeing with Rialto’s spawn exits is that not one has a clear line of sight to the payload route. So spawn camping is way too easy even if the payload is not there.

yo, just watched league of nations, and now i am watching OW world cup and WCS in SC2 lol… what a day :smiley:

Hydration and Moth are just in an enviro kill contest

I think that is the shortest distance held on Rialto in pro overwatch play history.