Workshop - Stop Death but Normal DMG

I am trying to figure out how to stop players from dying but still have their HP pools act normally. So like

Player.AbleToDie = False


If Player.DamageReceived > Player.CurrentHP Then

Currently I have the following rule which does not work

— Event —
Event: Player Took Damage
Teams: All
Players: All
— Condition —
Health(EventPlayer) <= Event Damage
— Action —
SetPlayerHealth(EventPlayer) = 1.00

Damage events trigger after the damage was dealt.

Maybe you could try to use the unkillable status (available with the Set Status() action).


Exactly. Unkillable will prevent your players health from going below 1hp.
While this effect originates from Baps immortality field, it will always cap on 1hp instead of 40hp…

Fun fact: If you want to simulate Baptistes Immortality, which caps the HP on 20% of the max health, you can use something like this (You still need to add the unkillable status though…)

	event { Ongoing - Each Player; All; All; }

	conditions { Health(Event Player) < Max Health(Event Player) / 5; }

		Set Player Health(Event Player, Max Health(Event Player) / 5);