[Workshop Request] OW but disasters happen every 20 seconds

A deathmatch game where every 20 seconds a disaster happens. No one can damage or kill each other. Everyone has 10 lives at the start. The one with the most lives at the end of 2 minutes wins!
The disasters can be:

  • Blackhole (a random point on the becomes a blackhole sucking every player into it)

  • Gravity Shift (Gravity is flipped and players who are on the skybox start to take damage)

  • Lava Floor (The floor is lava)

These are just examples

Thank you!


You could try to create it by yourself. Good luck :slight_smile:

that would be really cool. let me know if such a thing is created

Sounds like a bit of work to create all the effects, but I’ll try to help someone start with some simple framework tips.
Here’s how I would break it down

  1. Create a global timer that changes a variable to a random number (corresponding to each event)
  2. Create some effects that check that variable and see if it matches it’s value, if so trigger the action.
  3. Balance changes and debugging
  4. Profit???