Workshop feature request

Aaaaaaand here you go:

Isn’t this “event player”?

Isn’t this “victim/attacker/healee/event damage …”?

I see why you are asking this, but new rule types for such a specific use case? A new “target” action would be way better with the input being “button(primary fire)” or “button(ability1)” etc.

filtered array(players within radius(...), is in line of sight(current array element, ...)) and similar.

You better post your ideas in the “workshop suggestions” wiki thread I linked above. But please make sure that similar things are not requested already, before doing so.
And also make sure that things you are asking for are not already possible/implemented.
(Please take some time to learn workshop better before asking the devs for new actions that give you everything on a silver tablet :wink:
Of course, nothing against requests that improve workshops general functionality.)