Shanalotte, for real… whatever we do it is not a something special. Share for free is the point to develop our community, do not let it die so we (the biggest and experienced fans) stay alone with our copyrighted game mods without active players. If someone takes my code and say “it is my one” - it is okay by me, I even post it in my topic that I agree. There is nothing bad to let it go until we do not earn money for that. Most important is the experience that we have from each our game mod, each line of a code that works as expected.
I would lie if I say I did not want to start a new very complicated game mod because someone can just use it without any efforts but then I started to work on it and when it is done I was glad to show how exactly I did it and let other learn more. I want to call us “Pathfinders of Overwatch’s Workshop” that lead the way and motivate other to follow us.
More info about me and my game mods you can find here.