Workshop Actions/Conditions Idea | Will Update

I have decided to compile a list of Actions & Conditions that i think would be good for Overwatch Workshop users!

I will continue to update this List as new ideas come into thought
If you wish to add to the list, post your ideas and i will add them ^.^

  • Action: Create Shield
  • Action: Destroy Shield
  • Action: Create Shield Health
  • Action: Destroy Shield Health
  • Action: Modify Shield Health
  • Action: Create Armor Health
  • Action: Destroy Armor Health
  • Action: Modify Armor Health
  • Action: Add Point Light
  • Action: Add Directional Light
  • Action: Add Area Light
  • Action: Remove Point Light
  • Action: Remove Directional Light
  • Action: Remove Area Light
  • Action: Add Reflection Globe
  • Action: Remove Relfection Globe
  • Action: Change Skybox (Pick from existing Skyboxes)
  • Action: Play Animation (Pick from existing Animations for Selected Hero)
  • Action: Adjust Hero Catagory (Change one or more Hero to a different catagory from Damage,Tank & Support)
  • Action: Reset Hero Catagory (Resets the Hero catagory)
  • Action: Show Hud Element (Health, All Abilities Weapons, Ammo & Ultimate)
  • Action: Hide Hud Element (Health, All Abilities Weapons, Ammo & Ultimate)
  • Action: Move Player to Spectator
  • Action: Set Team Spawn (Allows a Team spawn to be placed at a Specified Place)
  • Action: Reset Team Spawn (Undo’s the Set Team Spawn action)
  • Action: Set Potential Spawn (Set a Possbile spawn where a player might spawn)
  • Action: Reset Potential Spawn
  • Action: Set Status (Discord, Biotic Grenade Healing, Biotic Grenade Anti Healing)
  • Action: Clear Status (Discord, Biotic Grenade Healing, Biotic Grenade Anti Healing)
  • Action: Press Button (Buttons from A to Z)
  • Action: Create A.I (Nulltrooper, Eradicator, Slicer, Detonator, Trooper, Enforcer, Sniper, Assassin, Heavy Assault)
  • Action: Set A.I Target (Sets the Target the A.I will go after, Objective, Player, Posistion)
  • Action: Clear A.I Target
  • Action: Create Decal
  • Action: Destroy Decal
  • Action: Play Hero Sound Effect (Plays a SFX from that specified Hero | Optional Tick for Timed Looping)
  • Action: Stop Playing Hero Sound Effect
  • Action: Play Hero Voice (Plays a Audio Clip from a specified Hero | Optional Tick for Ultimate Effect)
  • Action: Share Workload (Shares Workload with Host Computer reducing Server CPU Stress on Blizz Servers)
  • Action: Stop Sharing Workload
  • Action: Take All Workload (Takes all Workload to Host Computer, Removes almost all Server Stress on Blizz Servers)
  • Action: Release Workload (Undo’s the Take All Workload action)
  • Set Dummy Bot Skin (Allow Dummy Bots to use a skin that you own)
  • Manage Current Skin (Allows you to change skins of one or more player to a skin that you/they have)
  • Set assemble heroes zone or Get ‘player’ to assemble heroes
  • Condition: Is button Held (Buttons from A to Z)
  • Condition: Is Slot Available (Searches if 1 or More slots are empty)
  • Condition: Inactivity (Searches if a player is inactive or how long they are inactive | Ignores Owner)
  • Condition: Has Status (Discord, Biotic Grenade Healing, Biotic Grenade Anti Healing)
  • Condition: Shield Health (Searches for a Current Shield health of a player or a variable)
  • Condition: Current A.I
  • Condition: A.I Target
  • Condition: Light Brightness
  • Condition: Is Playing Hero Sound Effect
  • Condition: Is Hud Element Disabled
  • Condition: Is Hud Element Enabled
  • Condition: Is Using Skin
  • Condition: Current Skin
  • Is Button Held (A-Z)
  • Is button Held (Swap Heroes)

Good Idea. The AI target is already possible

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Thanks, I really appriciate it ^,^

Thats true, but i am always happy for them to add ways to make it easier for users to do

easier? Use start facing -> closest enemy and you have the easiest way
= same effect other name

I know this is currently one of the standard ways of doing it
But it can cause some issues,

Start Facing(Event Player, Direction Towards(Event Player, Closest Player To(Event Player, All Teams)), 500, To World,
Direction and Turn Rate);

If we follow this Action, we will run into the issue with the A.I trying to focus the player even when they are dead, which results in us needing to build an array to prevent this,

My goal is to make the Workshop as easy as possible with as few scripts needed for newer users, but also offer advance methods for more experience users like Light Probes etc.

I do understand that this way is fine and still rather useful, just an idea to try and make it easer for new users!

closest player to = sorted array(players without event player, distance between(event player, current array element))

players without event player = remove from array(all living players, event player)

all living players → no dead players

I know i just want to make it simple for newer users.

Why would a new user try to code dummy bots?

But I get what you mean.

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Lol Plenty do, so anything to make it as easy as possible for people is my goal for the community ^,^

This is not possible at all because it opens a lot of ways for hackers to do their bad things. Blizzard wastes a lot of money to keep their games :shield: “clear”.

By the way, it would be nice if we can change skins on fly and manage teams.

More info about me and my game mods you can find here.


PS4 player here and I would not like that. The rest is great and I can relate to most of them. But one question: how will the “change skybox” action would work?

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The A to Z of course would have to be adapted for Console players for their buttons/stick inputs but still its understandable!

So Lets say you wanted to use Lunar Horizon Colonies Skybox and place it in like Paris, you could then have its star skies and earth in the background of Paris with its buildings etc

Then you could use the lighting system to make the lighting match it if you wished

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I don’t know if that will let to problems with game perfomance… but I am not a professional programmer :joy:

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Depending how the Game is handled it can be simple or dificult

I hope they can add it someday, but lets just wait and see what the next updates they do add ^,^

It would be nice to have:


  • Is Button Held (A-Z) (especially H for hero change)


  • Set assemble heroes zone or Get ‘player’ to assemble heroes (or something that allows a player to go to that interface without having to die during a match or without making all the match going to that point)
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Added it, maybe we’ll see it someday!

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