Won competitive, didn't gain SR

So we are losing SR but dont gain it? Good way to lower the average SR i guess :smiley:

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I was at 2999, won a match and Iā€™m still at 2999
Are we going to get our sr back??

I will tag along here.
Won first game after a loosing streak from 5pm, long and hard game, I will add, and what? Nothing. Iā€™m where I was.
Iā€™m glad that You guys had the issue resolved, but there is a bunch of people waiting for an answer here, will we get the points, or not?
I would prefer to get them, though I would understand if we didinā€™t tooā€¦ but most of all, Iā€™d like to know how will it be?

Had the same thing i was at 3087 before and after the win! Bill are we going to get our SR back?

same issue there. won 2 games and get 0 sr thanks blizzard. i will never get my sr back

Didnt gain any SR ~20 min ago

The issue is now fixed for me, however, I missed the SR off of two wins in a row while the servers were messed up. I would love that SR back, as I would now be in plat with those wins.

Could we get the sr back? Literally just lost a game after I won. For the game I won i get 0 sr but for the game I lose i lose 25 sr. Not how the game is supposed to work.

TambĆ©m nĆ£o ganhei o SR de ultima partida que foi bem difĆ­cil. Fiquei estabilizado em 2833, mesmo com uma vitĆ³ria. HaverĆ” uma compensaĆ§Ć£o?

English _____

I also did not win the SR of the last match that was very difficult. I was stabilized in 2833, even with a win. Will there be compensation?

I have the same issue. I would appreciate if we could get the Srā€¦

I won two games. At first I thought I was just forgetting my SR, which was at 3228 this morning before I played. After I won another one it still didnā€™t change is when I knew for sure there was some sort of bug. I played on Route 66 and Numbani if that helps. Hope we get SR compensation.

You have so many technical problems in game. Where is our compensation?

By me the same probelm happend and my question is now will we get our sr??

Same here. Got screenshots, even potg. I guess we wont get that sr, because the ones who lost are kinda happy about that

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I won my match and did not gain any sr

Can we have an answer about the SR please?

kinda messed up if we dont get that hard earned SR back my dude

Probably never. They canā€™t fix SR issues even when their servers are at fault so I guess the players have to suck it up and pay the price, as always.

Sorry for your SR loss, mate.

They can use rules from higher ranks - 25 points up for awin, 25 down for a loss. Assuming they can track who won.

i would accept Moiras Banshee skin instead of the lost SR^^