"With Symmetra, I personally am in wait-and-see mode"- Jeff Kaplan Interiew

Not sure if anyone has seen the Kotaku interview with Big Daddy Jeff but here’s the excerpt:

“With Symmetra, I personally am in wait-and-see mode,” he said. “There’s two elements there: One is, did we get the correct mechanics? Is this character doing the things we want them to do and occupying the gameplay space we hope that they occupy? And then the second part is the balance. We feel like, with characters like Torbjorn and Symmetra, they’re mechanically doing what we want them to do now, but I don’t know if they’re balanced correctly.”

He says that he’s not sure Sym and Torb are balanced but that the team is waiting to see. I don’t understand the wait on buffing Sym–her rework has been out for some time now. Surely, they must see the numbers by now that show how much more often she dies and how few people use the teleporter.

Torb, in my opinion, had a wonderful rework and is in a good place minus the pesky 1-second animation in Overload.

What do you guys think?


Torb is in his best state ever- turret isn’t opressive when it shouldn’t be, he has a useful ultimate, overload is an amazing survival tool and way of movement speed, and his primary and secondary feel more consistent. Torb’s rework was the first truly successful rework.
My friend, who is a sym main also in diamond, says that he wins on Sym yet still feels like she is the downright worst hero in the game. She needs a better primary, faster tele placement, and faster turret placement, as well as less of a cast time on ult. To put it simply, she needs a lot to feel good.


He is delusional: But I have been saying that for over a year now. It basically the same thing as Diablo with Sym.

Personally have my own ideas for a rework: 🧞‍♀ Memorial to Old Sym and what could have been; Youtube Highlight (what I consider the best abilities Sym ever had.)

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Referenced article if anyone wants to read it.

Personally I fully agree with Jeff about how the reworks made the builders into a balance problem instead of a design problem.


I think he should listen to himself when he said in the past words to the effect of ‘spirit and flair matter’, and recognis this souless shell the new Symmetra is. I don’t care if she is now seeing use in OWL, everything that made her special, cool and unique is gone. She was my most played hero, now I never use her as they ruined the playstyle. And this is coming from someone who hates the amount of hyperbole on this forum.


Torb is weaker. His numbers are dropping too. His gun rework was great but his gun isn’t that good anyway. Don’t get me wrong it can destroy in the right hands and conditions but he had a strong kit to fall back on.

His Turret was massively nerfed, his Ult is less versatile and robbed Trob of his additional survivability, he spends more time in a easily one-shot states of being a walking head with 200 hp.

The only thing they improved his burst potential by granting him a Buff on a super long CD.

Torb is more reliable at getting picks but in return he is much easier to shut down.


At least Tjorb actually somewhat feels still like Tjorb. Sym got deleted.


No he doesn’t. His entire kit was essentially removed. His gun was the only thing that was actually improved.

Not saying Symm wasn’t turned into a near new hero but Torb isn’t a winner here.


Agreed. I think both kits do not feel as oppressive and allow for more play making potential in both characters. Sym is also getting a buff, so they aren’t ignoring her and want to see how the buff pans out.

I think Jeff is handling this in a very wise manner, as it’s easy to often make knee jerk reactions and buff / nerf characters into oblivion. Let’s wait and see how the buff on the PTR pans out.

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At least Jeff agrees something is wrong…


I have been having a lot of success with torb. I know the feeling of losing your favorite character. I use to play sym 2.0. If it wasn’t for torb I would have left the game by now. Good luck I hope you find a new character that can fill the playstyle torb lost

I would’ve left were it not for Mei.

I am very very happy that they are wing more transparent with their viewpoint this makes me very happy

As for their viewpoint, I think it’s fair to wait a bit after the buff, but please stay very vigilant on syms balance, because I predict that this buff in otr will not be enough.

I do believe that she still has a lot of issues that will hold he back from being balanced such as vulnerability, primary still being bad, unclear role on teamcomo etc

Keep an eye on sym, as I predict she will need more changes, and many others agree aswell

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I honestly like new Sym, but I agree that she needs some buffs, mostly in her deployment speeds.
Turrets: need to fly fast and activate faster, or not be destroyed before they activate
Teleporter: Needs to to deploy faster and break railings. Also needs to be more consistent on where it deploys in relation to Sym, sometimes it’s right under me, other times it’s in front and I cant use it without moving
Ult: I just need Sym to have her own card for damaged blocked with her ult, like Zen has a card for trans healing. Im tired of having games where I block 10k damaged and losing the card to an Orisa
Orbs: I just want piercing orbs back keep the damage and speed the same.

A. Torb is Fine (for me)
B. Symm is Fine ( for me ) except the primary fire AND THE BUGS on the TP*
( I have died NUMEROUS times because like an idiot I still try to use her week beam instead of using the orbs)

However Kaplan and his gang had other Ideas for Symm . That she would teleport teammates . Instead she acts like a 3 dimentional Tracer with her TP.

An example in LUNAR COLONY ( 1st point defence) playing Symm, is that after everybody was dead , and I had to contest alone :

  • I put the TP inside the point and
  • I was teleporting in and out to stall the enemy till my dead teammates returned from spawn

I don’t think thats what Blizz had in mind when they gave her the TP.

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Revert the tickrate back to 4 guys come on.


Torb is in a good spot (even tho it feels bad to play against sometimes)
but (although she needs more help) sym is just super unfun to play against

She needs 250 health and/or the ability to regenerate her shield as she uses primary. It also needs to come back down to 4 ticks, but at this point I would take 10.

Her turrets are a mixed bag, I feel they are balanced but could always use maybe 1 second cast time, down from 1.5

Her orbs are just worse Pharah rockets, even before the Pharah changes and she doesn’t even have to charge before firing hers. Make them pierce again but stop after the first enemy is hit. You could also buff their damage to maybe 150 at the cost of 5m/s speed or a larger charge time.

tp is the worst offender, 2 seconds cast time and 1-2 seconds (or more) to place it, not to mention it bugs out on slopes (cant adjust its range), and goes wonkers on railings. Make it ignore railings, fix the placement issues and increase its activation range a bit. Nothing more infuriating than using tp in grav and you cant use it.

The ult, oh boy the “lets make Symmetra a dps but give her a support ult” ult. Torb does it right, area denial and decent damage. What does Symmetra do? A 5k shield that can be walked past with no consequence. Want to use it to block enemy ults? nope, 1.5 second cast time once again sees to that. Have it do damage (like Mei ult) and slow by half a turret value if touched by enemies.

Heck, reduce the shield greatly to 2k or 1.5k and lower the cost by 25%, making it third fastest next to tracer and sombra.

I think torbjorn feels more fluild now but he’s still a bit underpowered.

Also i don’t know what they mean by that ether, it’s clear that she’s underpowered.

these were the true holy words.