Winstreak bonus?

Is there a win streak bonus?

No. See How Competitive Skill Rating Works (Season 11) → Win Streak Bonus / Loss Streak Penalty.

Na, cause there is no such thing as a win streak in this game.


there used to be in the good old days of season 3 and prior

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Great times…fond memories of losing 100sr a match due to the losing streak penalty

losing streaks still exist in plat and below

it is not the same with wins

what are you even talking about. there is no bonus or penalty for win or loss streaks anymore

Win streaks do still exist, it’s supposed to be how they get smurfs out of low ranks. I played with a smurf a few weeks ago. He mained McCree. He started out getting normal SR gains, but around match 5 or 6, he was gaining 60-70 SR per win, causing him to move to the next rank.

Long time ago first time I got into plat I went from 2100 to 2600 in 1 day with a good 6 stack. I have gotten winstreaks in diamond from being decayed for 2 weeks and get to 3200 to 3600 in 2 days. There are no dedicated winstreaks but usually winning a lot at any rank with good stats will feel like there is a bonus

its normal since his hidden mmr changes

That’s not winstreak, they are just having their mmr raise insanely fast, so their Sr gains for winning are huge. To verify this just see what happens when they lose a game. They lose far less stressed than even normal and the next game they win they go straight back to the giant numbers with no need to rework up the streak.

Everyone says no but there is some degree of MMR adjustment that comes from win streaks. Very recently a friend and I went on a large win streak and my friend’s SR adjustment rose rapidly as we won more games. If I recall correctly it was something like +36, +45, +64, +84, +110, then we finally lost. What was odd was that some of this happened in diamond (the +110) where there is no performance based SR, and also my friend got a win streak like bonus but I did not

Lol i just had a 34 winstreak today so EZ lol

1032 - 1849 So easy

smurf?> cuz i can just win 5 games in a row… i am below my SR on ps4 gonna spend several hours today to get back.

The win streak ‘bonus’ you will be more likely to be put on a team of bots and expected to carry them vs a strong enemy team.