Winston has too much damage

Please be a troll, please be a troll, please be a troll


Winston good against squishies

bad against tanks

What your main is?

His damage has never changed. If he was fine before, he is fine now.

Uh, yea. I think you have the wrong character in mind.

Finally, a situation in which I can suggest someone to play Reaper.

Reaper is a great counter against Winston, I suggest that you play him.


Answer me! What your main. I am suspect that you are main of Dva because icon. NIce troll.

Private profile :confused:

Ha ha ha… His one use! I also highly recommend Reaper.

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Picking Winston in quickplay is easy mode.

Healing is a joke, especially after he kills the one healer that’s getting no defense from their team.

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DVa icon, DVa got nerfs, Winston ignores DM, OP misjudges and loses to a Winston, OP not happy, OP blames Winston

behold my deduction skillz

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Use Brigitte if you’re having trouble against Winston! You might not be able to kill him, but you’ll be able to provide plenty of armour to your team.

And Winston players hate armoured enemies :wink:

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I wasn`t sure if i read that title right… lol no i was right.

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Winston’s damage is, and always has been, 60 DPS. No part of the damage in his kit has ever changed.

However, a few other things have changed.

  • Tanks in general are being played less, let alone frontline tanks, due to the heavy amount of CC present in this meta. The backline squishies usually sit unprotected.
  • The healer meta has shaken up. Mercy is no longer dominant, and she basically negated Winston’s damage for free. Ana is also better able to support a Winston than Mercy, keeping him alive with long-range shots and Nano Boost.
  • Tank and barrier buster heroes are not being played, in favor of long-range damage dealers. Winston excels at jumping on ranged heroes and displacing them from their perches.

Winston didn’t change, but the rest of the game did.

Also Moira 10 DPS per second is OP

Except for Hanzo.

He’s a long range barrier buster.

This is what I was missing. Winston was never a problem before because team comps could adequately deal with him. I was playing Mercy at the time, which is apparantly bad now. I don’t have a main btw, kind of hard to still have one after not playing for months…

Unless there’s a Dva peeling for him :confused:

Sounds like you went up against a good Winston with decent support. If your team didn’t have proper counters, a good Winston can wreck havoc.

He still only does 60 dps. However, he can leap into someone for 50, follow up with Melee. That is 80 damage applyable every 6 seconds. Leaving him at worst, 2 seconds left to Tesla gun someone down.

A good Hanzo, Reaper, or Roadhog can deal with Winston quite well. Hanzo being more “meta” than the other two choices.

Brigitte can apply armor to a healthy team mate when Winston begins leaping in negating his leap combo. She can also force him off with her stun and even help block the squishy target from his gun.

What level are you playing in, Wood tier?

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