Winston Buff? Potentionally new abililty

That’s the point. 1.5 years of dive its time for it to die.


Why dont we just buff/rework all 27 heroes so it will be completely random who’s on top. I can have bad ideas too, I just dont make a thread about it

Sorry but if you can’t chase down targets you’re using him wrong. One of the best pieces of advice I was ever given for Winston is that you shouldn’t use his jump to engage you should use it to take advantage of mistakes or if necessary finish off a target.

I’m just happy to know what’s in store for Winston, even if it’s nothing :man_shrugging:

To be completely fair, that does not work against Widow, one of the character’s he is supposed to counter. You more or less HAVE to jump on certain maps, at least, and on some of the maps where you do not HAVE to, it is honestly still a waste of time to go the long way when you just want to relieve the pressure of a Widow a bit.

I would also argue that Genji can reliably navigate around a Winston’s regardless of whether or not he saves his leap. And again, another character he counters.

If you ask me, Winston is honestly a weak pick across the board; however, he gets results at the highest level thanks to the coordination. I am always surprised when I see people complain about him, especially as I do play a few characters that he counters, but it does not feel like it because he is a giant ultimate battery. I do not play in GM or anything to that effect; however, his win-rate speaks for itself. It is the highest in GM and yet, still, on the lower side which contradicts the whole “must pick” nature of him at the top. Usually trickle down works, but there are a few exceptions and Winston is clearly one of them.

The idea behind winston is to work with your team to get kills, not have him be some solo kill king

Daddy Jeff coming in like a BAMF and shutting this idea down

If anything Winston needs a Nerf. His sheild form is the best of any tank he gets his jump every 6 seconds and CD starts before he even lands.

Look how powerful they had to make Moira just to counter monkey

Unnecessarily unnecessary

Whether he does or does not, I will leave that to the Devs. I just was pointing out that there have been several Rein threads and no response, but one Winston thread about buffs goes up and a response is given.

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Big Daddy has spoken. All praise Big Daddy!

Monkey is fine. Thanks Jeff. Looking forward for Anniversary Event.

Absolutely not. Screw that. Winston is too overpowered as it is. He can dive on anyone and kill them in seconds, not to mention his huge shield that takes McCree 2 fan the hammer shots to take down, his already massive health pool, and the fact that he doesn’t have to aim. Yes, mobilized characters can get away from him. But Winston gets his jump back so fast, that shouldn’t be much of an issue.

Quick melee is 30 damage!

Thank you, Jeff. Winston’s been extremely prevalent for a long time and I’m happy to hear this.

can we get a reinheart buff or just fix his bugs?

Thanks for the update. could we get a word on sombra?

The problem for dive right now is New Hanzo. Were it not for New Hanzo there would be maps where dive, and thus winston, is viable. As shown by the OWL.

I’ve been somewhat playing him as well recently. He seems fine to me, just a bit reliant on healing if you don’t pay attention to him as quickly as you should or get trained down before jump is off cd. But then again I’m not really a Winston main so yeh?

Rein is meta right now, he just needs fixes.