Winrate vs Performance - how to climb

You say 4 deaths but you ahve 167 deaths over 27 games thats on average 6 deaths per game

On my main I won all seven and got silver 2 dps or whatever
Then won seven more and got gold 3.
Then I won and lost some and got plat 4.

Basically it just went towards what I had the prior season which was barely diamond like 3024 or something so it ended up pretty close

I am currently recording every stats of my games to see if something is up, and why. To me, it seems Bronze 5 is just a never ending SR void. That’s why we don’t rank up visually.
Only heroes I’ve been to climb a bit are support, because I placed Bronze 4. Got up to Bronze 2 after several games, which I did not record. I’ll try to update my post when I got my 7 next wins.

So far, I am 0-2 on my next support games. But I’ve stellar stats, so who knows.

Also, does anyone know if the 20 wins are reset each time we reach 7 wins ? Like. If I lose 19 games, then win 7 in a row and change rank. If I lose the next one, will it change the rank again ?

Nice. Just hit gold 5 myself, jumping from silver 2. Started in Bronze 2. Hope it keeps rollingggggg

why would they need two hidden metrics
we all know mmr is rigged af
and it seems they have aim-based rigging now as well

this isn’t the reset we asked for and it’s not the right ranking system for a objective-based team-shooter where winning is the only thing that’s supposed to matter (i.e. rank around wins matchmake around same metric as ranking ie wins…and never use data which can be faked and spoofed).

What was your last OW1 sr?

I’m starting to think this is all BS tbh. I’ve ranked up from b1 to g2 then the last adjustment I stayed at g2. Which just so happens to be where I’ve been for the majority of OW1. Is it just fast tracking people back to where they were and then the adjustments are a lot slower?

Not ranked man


I skipped from B5 finally after 35 wins and update. 80% WR.

I am convinced Bronze 5 has a hidden SR of 0-1100 and people like me being placed near 0.

It’s forcing you to grind wins and you will only be put in a new tier or skip once you hit the hidden 1100. Flawed AF.


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Winning more then I lose.

When I win 7 games in a row I go up more than when I win 7 and lose 3.

here are my thoughts after climbing out:

Yeah but you are getting that kill and damage done against that tank you walled off… Not only that, if you do it consistently, the algorithm would recognize your other dps/tank did better playing with you; on or off mei, than they did with someone else. As for Moira, if they are consistently throwing therein damage orbs into situations wherein DVA doesn’t have to go out of way to eat them, then they are probably a bad Moira player to begin with; which the game would recognize.

Karq (GM support player) streamed yesterday and talked about developers dropped into his channel. Two developers who could not revealed the full mech told him that more “measure items” are took in consideration than just win / loss a game.

Its too bad the mechanics behind it arent clear, but hopefully wins/losses are the largest factor with certain performance statistics have only a moderate impact on rank changes.

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