Win/Loss Ratio Question

Has anyone calculated what the average win/loss ratio for Diamond and up vs Plat and lower?

What about SR fluctuation? I know alot of people complain about 50/50 win rates in metal ranks and many folks plat and lower fluctuate between Bronze/Silver and Gold/Plat quite regularly.

What about Diamond and above? Once in Diamond and up, do the games level out without too much movement? Or do folks bounce from Diamond to Masters like Silver/Gold folks?

I’m curious because of the possible lack of smurfs and team based MMR vs individual MMR.

I fluctuate between high gold and low plat after climbing out of bronze/silver. I’m where I need to be to learn and get better.

I was just wondering if things are a bit different once you get out of the Metal ranks. Especially when out of smurf territory. I imagine every game can feel close and not a steamroll because ofmhow evenly matched players are?

I’m curious. Thanks!

I’ll say this. If this match maker working properly everyone flattens out no matter where you are.

It’s the how they flatten the curve is the frustrating part.

So you are saying blizzard has a background algorithm that forces certain players to play together to try to influence the outcome of matches either in favor or against the player?

What about Diamond and up where it’s not individual skill but team performance that dictates your SR gain and loss?

Yes in a way. It will throw some matches out if it feels the matches are unfair. That in some way benefits players who would have lost, and if those folks that would have lost it tries to find more “even” matches.

from my experience, there is around a +/-400sr range that people vary within.
rather than luck though, I think in most ranks its consistency or lack thereof. obviously there is luck involved but that range gets a lot smaller once you get more consistent but you’ll see it on here, people will have one good game and ask for a vod review because clearly they deserve to be higher when in reality, they had a single good game out of 10s if not 100s of games.


I haven’t looked at those ranks specifically but if you look at people in gm+ or on the t500 leaderboards a 55-65+ wr is the norm.

Don’t have stats for it but my hunch says it depends on you.

Some people here claim they can freefall over 1000sr, entirely out of their control. I think they’re just noobs.

If you ask me a range of 200 or 300 sr should be what you expect if you’re playing well for your rank, which in terms of movement isn’t really that big of a problem unless you’ve got some stupid stake in it, like a bet that you can hold a strict SR range for the season. You can widen that range the less competent you are in playing with and against randoms.


It really depends on if you’re in a group or not. If you’re solo queue here’s what you can expect: When you get to diamond or close to diamond you’ll definitely receive a wild loss streak where the teams are blatantly uneven, 95% chance this happens 95% of the time. If you continue to play well enough you can break through to diamond where you’ll be shocked that you’re playing with players who are the same or less skilled as what you saw in plat. It’s not until around Masters that you really start seeing a big difference in skill.

I would say diamond is just more of the same plat and gold tier, matches have huge skill discrepancies where you’re playing in matches that feel like gold tier and others that feel like masters. Because the matchmaker is so insanely inaccurate it seems that no matter where you go on the ladder you can get all types of tiers of matches.


Let’s be real, if you group up your not held to the match maker algorithm (whether that’s good, bad, or good enough). And thus could have any win/loss ratio.

Now I have 5 accounts all in the medal ranks all in different ranks with different roles. All near 50%.

Plat tank, gold tank, silver tank. All @50/50.
Silver dps, low gold dps high gold dps, near 50/50
Low silver support high gold support, @50%
And people claim rank integrity… just so naive not seeing the bigger picture.

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How? It’s still matchmaking you based on the players in your group. The only wildcard is chemistry which will be compensated for after a handful of games. What then, change your group members for higher rated players and repeat?

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Half of the match maker is making your team can be thrown out because your controlling the entire half of the lobby, your performance out side of map and enemy comp - can be more likely be consistent playing the same people in your group.

It cannot give you opportunities to allow you to lead casuals.

The only thing you cannot control are you your opponents.

Would I be correct or incorrect in saying your reasoning is that “being held to the matchmaking algorithm” is interchangable with “my rating fluctuating”, and not “my rating trending up”?

Being held would mean rating fluctuating. Trending up is breaking free?

sorry i asked that wrong lol

“being held to the matchmaker” → “my sr is fluctuating too much”
“being held to the matchmaker” → “my sr is not being allowed to go up”

is what i meant to ask

because i can understand if you mean to say that stacking brings consistency that allows you to fluctuate less or within tighter margins, but it doesn’t make sense to me if you mean that it somehow stops your sr from being “suppressed” (which i can certainly see people here thinking) as after a handful of games you inevitably end up playing more competent player or similarly skilled groups for the sr and it levels out again anyway (rather quickly i would assume, for most people)

I think with stacking your skills will be leveraged. The entire teams stack skills will be leveraged.

For example, a zarya main with a hanzo main. Grav dragon after grav dragon. Compared to solo-q where you might have 1 or even see 1 grav dragon a week.

All that to say your stack won’t be held by the match maker at all. 60~70% win percentages.

right i get that but you seem to be misunderstanding me and at this point i’m not sure it’s because i’m speaking unclearly if you get my drift

exactly how long do you expectto maintain that 60-70% wr?

5 games?
15 games?
an entire bracket?

do you believe that it’s not going to result in the group reaching an mmr where they’re matched against players who can compete fairly, that they will not just become “held by the matchmaker.” again and plateau ?

We have VERY different experiences here. I always knew I could build dragons faster than my tank would build grav.

But they ALWAYS Yeet it when I’m 75-90% to my next dragon. So I just end up holding it until I see/hear Zarya use it.

  • Thats the trick for soloqueue as Hanzo

You see Zaryas? Tell her I was looking for her.

But yea its the same feeling. I can get two dragons by the time shes gets hers… but… will connect, will we have one? Once a week - maybe.

Ideally, no. As long as they face solo-qs, 60-70%. Your underestimating the power of team work and under playing the selfishness of solo-q, and cluelessness of random casual players, that if you allow on your team without stacks… wont even consider things combine.

i would say you’re overestimating it and naively misunderstanding how matchmaking works. if you begin stacking and leverage teamwork to overperform at your current level, as you climb you will be raised to a level that provides a fair chance for opponents to win - you should not ever stay perpetually at a 70% wr unless you’re simply so good that there is no fair competition available.

which to be fair, if you live in the middle of nowhere, are already in a very high percentile and 6 stack during off hours, you might get that result. but that’s the exception, not the rule. it’s not that hard for a team of solo queuers only a few hundred sr higher to dismantle a try hard 6 stack of noobs… lol

I was thinking ideally - if they are try hards and know the game.

Again we’re talking win percentage, not one game. Sure, theres going to be “some guys”. But over time team synergy will win.

Here is another problem tho, none of us can be right or wrong, so save your assurances. We can disagree, but these darn “boosted” players are everyone right?

and I was speaking pragmatically, I was just poking a bit of fun at the lesser rated hypothetical team by calling them noobs lol

expecting a perpetual 60-70% wr just for grouping up, pretending you’ll always overcome challenges with a high % of certainty as they become increasingly more difficult? naive, but if it helps you be productive, whatever

i would be impressed if, say, a bunch of silver tryhards banded together and 6 stacked with a perpetual smurf 70% wr and climbed to like diamond.

it would make for good content

temporarily boosted players is just the nature of allowing variable group sizes. it’s all of us sometimes. tho it’s not nearly as bad as people that are boosted in more malicious ways :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: