‘Git gud yull climb…and don’t read about the ActiBlizz patent that’s been referred to since release.’

Someday I hope you realise the meaning of these words. You seem to celebrate designing a competitive system around hindering movement.

You seem to misunderstand. I understand it well, even the examples you made. Their relevance is questionable, just is how this system works.

You conflate a rewards system - ie how much SR/MMR a player should gain or lose - with match quality by actively engineering a team that will make you play better.

When you understand the difference, this debate can continue.

It really doesn’t even things out if all negative actions in this game effect things WAY more than any positive actions.
Trash players drag down skilled players more than the skilled players can carry them.
Matchmaking done this way is stupid in this type of game.

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Are you saying Overwatch is the only Fps in all of gaming history to use a system like the one being used? That’s simply not tru…

Oh…right. I see.

No you have not. You have spent years on the gold/plat border struggling and making topics about it the whole time. Since you reached that rank as dva one trick it should not be surprising that you cant get to that rank using other characters. Not only that you reached that rank when dva was OP so theres a good chance you wont get there again.

Why cant you understand and admit to yourself that you are a basic gold player and that how YOU play determines your rank.


Since you won that much, the system tries to find you more challanging players who have did the same.

So being low gold and high silver for 18 seasons is the systems fault? Yikes


I won 10 in a row and, afterward, it put me in games where I got carried.

I’ve lost around 350SR past couple of days on the tank role, and still dropping. :grin:
It’s going to be interesting to see where it will stop. :thinking:
Edit: I was at 3150, now 2800, and the games are getting harder and harder for some reason. Is bronze the new GM?

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Rip. Tank is exactly what I climbed on. Sounds like I’m getting your good luck and you’re getting my bad luck, at the moment.

Just keep trying your best. Loss streaks can’t last forever

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Yeah definitely sounds like it.

Here’s hoping it stops soon, I’ve had to switch my profile to private because my win rates on all main tanks have dropped below 40% because of the recent loss streak. :sweat_smile:

One thing worth rememberimg is that those are intended to be examples, not the strict guidelines behind the use. Which means that such a system could not just do more tham what’s listed, but it also doesn’t have to do everything listed either.

Not to mention, when that patent became public, it was largely agreed that it was intended more for Destiny 2 than Overwatch, since Overwatch was already released by the time Blizzard seems to have gotten direct hold of it.

There’s also the fact that being matched with “better teammates” in a PvE environment would be completely acceptable. They never once claimed the system would be used strictly for PvP, which of course would just be rigging the matches.

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What are you playing? Also it is EXTREMELY common to yo-yo in the Promotion zones.

In those zones you end up facing people in your rank yes but your rank is full of people who belong in the lower level of that Elo but ranked up through some good wins but aren’t really ready for the higher rank or even next elo (that would be the less skilled teammates you get) and then you get people who have broken into the higher rank (maybe even played in it for a while) dropping out (these would be the skilled players who most likely will be called a smurf even though they aren’t)

Essentially to rank up beyond this SR you have to be consistent enough to be able to stomp the lesser skilled players (or carry them) while at the same time not getting stomped by the more skilled experienced players yourself.

I’ve been playing mostly Orisa, Sigma and Rein.
My Orisa has the highest win rate, it is still at around 50%, but the other two are horrible.

And yeah I know what you mean by the yo-yo zone, those “rank borders” can be very weird sometimes. Two matches can feel vastly different in skill, like one match can feel 1000SR higher or lower than the last one.

I should probably take more time and review some vods, I must be making some crazy mistakes to get on such a bad loss streak. Can’t blame it all on matchmaking as much as I want to :grin:

Also I should probably stop playing late at nights. I’ve been having quite a few games lately with very mixed ranks. A match last night where I was around 2900, the team average SR for both teams was 3300. Both teams had a mix of platinum and master players with a few diamonds in between.

You MT a lot (awesomeness) but I would suggest maybe adding a solid OT to your hero pool.

I also try to MT for my team as often as I can but I also know there are a ton of games I saved because I was able to play a tank with some fire power. Zarya is always a good pick but Hog also works. Both can be used with the popular Orisa/Sigma.

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By default the mmr will try its best to put you where you belong. The more you win, the stronger the players get.

If you win a lot, you’ve advanced faster than your peers in terms of stats. A good elims/ death ratio helps.

Lose a lot, you may either be not as skilled as the other players or may be grinding while you’re tilted.

If you’re not winning or losing much, you’ve probably hit a plateau. So I would take it as a sign that you should think back and see what you can improve on.

I played as mccree with a 8/10 win streak, only to be held back for weeks until I analyzed what I could’ve done better. (E.g aiming, positioning, trigger discipline, cooldown management)

It helps to watch your replays.

Like any of it matters. Some accounts where players try their best, devote time to self-improvement, and do actually improve, are often paired with players that do not care about Competitive.

I don’t care for being paired with those that don’t take the game seriously, season in and season out.

Those that vehemently disagree with me? Come duo. I’ll prove it. Happily.

No, not hindering movement. The system is designed to figure out where you should be placed, it then places you and creates an expected deviation. The goal of any matchmaking system is to prevent you from leaving the expected deviation - again, literally how matchmaking systems work. If you leave the deviation or certain other circumstances come to light (such as those highlighted when I mentioned TrueSkill 2) then your deviation is recalculated, and your anchor is adjusted.

The system is not designed to keep you in a single spot, but it does want to keep you within it’s deviation. If you improve or worsen in quality of playstyle then you’ll break it’s deviation and it’ll be readjusted, and then you’ll either climb or fall. It isn’t hindering your movement, it’s predicting it.

Not this system, all systems. They’re all designed around the same premise, and all derived from the ELO system or similar Bayesian-based systems.

No, I’m conflating nothing. The rewards system is byproduct of the matches being engineered for the most balanced situation.

I’m not sure where you’re getting all of this nonsense from.

No, it can continue when you understand the fundamentals of matchmaking design. Until then you’re just spouting conjecture.

Funny. Here I thought it was for making a match.


Doesn’t hinder? You contradict yourself a lot.

Which purely adjust your ranking post match, and have nothing to do with setting up opponents or teammates.

Conflating a system that can predict your position and move you there by giving more mmr/sr per win, with a system that gives you “better teammates.”

Filed in 2015? Hang on, has Overwatch been out since before then?

And how do you propose it creates a balanced match? By throwing everyone into the same batch and calling it a day? People need to be rated, and the ratings need to be accurate and precise.

They absolutely do set up opponents and teammates (well, not teammates because the base forms of ELO and Glicko are for 1v1 explicitly). What do you think the rating is? It’s you being setup to be paired with/against particular players.

And you know how it gives you better teammates or enemies or whatever you want to pick? By adjusting your rating.

All you’ve demonstrated is that you don’t understand what a ranked matchmaker is.

Sure, perhaps I should be slightly more careful and differentiate semantics between an ordinary matchmaker (QP, which it seems is what you want) and a ranked matchmaker (competitive). In a ranked matchmaker it does exactly as described across the board.