Will you ever do anything about bronze to gm's?

If they are able to get away with unranked to GM, then it highlights the HUGE problems with initial placements.

Lol what? How? Why? Explain please.

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i do that all the time its very fun :slight_smile:

have you seen bronze players? like actual bronze

Ironically I do far better in gold games than I ever did in bronze games.

Necro’d thread please close…

Well yeah… there’s more team cooperation in gold.

Not a lot but definitely some.

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I recomend all bronzes to get better to be able to beat gms. Sitting at one rank is your main issue. Not doing anything about yourself gameplay is your issue. Not seing actual issues of yourself - is your issue. Your games were ruined caused by you doing nothing with it personaly. Acting like a victim is not an answer to that. When my games in silver were intruded with smurs, that day I decide to play as much better as it needed to not be a victim. GM on multiple accounts all of a sudden (spent a year and 2 month) Thanks to those smurfs and challengers who teach low elo hard way.

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The devs encourage it.

Where do you get this number from? Maybe millions of accounts but not players. As many people have 4+ accounts.

Blizzard wants to keep collecting free new account money from no life losers and alienating the casual gamers who barely play and thus are low SR.

If you smurf, you are a bad person and a degen.