Will we get an animated short or more lore next week?

Blizzard is not going to be present Gamescom, but they are releasing new merch and Jeff said that new stuff would be coming around this time.

So, do you you guys have any expectations? Do you think it’s going to be a new map and short story?

People are speculating that there will be a Mercy animated short because she’s in the promotional banner. However there has been instances that the character in the promotional material wasn’t the one that got the animation.

i don’t really know the likelihood of us getting a short, but i’d be ecstatic if we did. mercy would make a lot of sense to get one, and i’m sure it’d make a ton of fans happy. if they do it right, that is. cough d.va’s short


A short I would say is 50/50 but I’d say a map feels more plausible.


Dva’s animated short had so much potential. But instead we got a cake recipe. It looks pretty but I had that cake so many times before that there’s no novelty.

What type of map? People are saying escort is the nesxt one.

I think the Sigma background one which was also used in Retribution.

Isn’t that just Rialto?

Yeah but I believe that part inst accessible currently only in retribution maybe as a DM

Would Blizzard release a map that is just an expansion from an already existing map? I think players would be mad with that.:thinking:

I suppose some content even rehashed will probably be better than no content.


Mercy is up there in popularity with Tracer, Genji, and Dva, yet hasn’t appeared in an animated short outside of a few seconds. I think she’s the best bet, followed by Sigma, then Zen, then Lucio. If not one of them, then it could really go to anyone.


Like what happened with Pharah…:broken_heart: I still want to know what was in that cinematic that made it “too expensive” to produce lol

But I’m holding out hope that Mercy will be the star of our next cinematic. A lot of the recent lore we’ve gotten has opened up so many potential plot beats for her - such as Baptiste coming to warn her about Talon or, what the Pharmercy trash in me is hoping, we’ll get to see her responding to the crisis in Egypt as hinted at in Storm Rising lol

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Look what they said when the PTR closed :

The Public Test Region will not be accessible until we update with new content in a very near future. […]
Thank you for participating, and stay tuned very soon for more news!

So yeah, I’m hoping for a new map with a new cinematic, like Dva’s like year with Busan… But at the same time I don’t want to be desapointed if they don’t do the same T^T

1.39.0 ptr concluded

Possible. Jeff said we will be getting something “lat summer early fall” so we are around that time?

What if it’s a Mercy AND Pharah cinematic.

We’ve recently been seeing her hanging around Egypt a lot. It’d be really cool if they actually got to meet and get some action in a cinematic together.

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That “too expensive to produce” sounds like a bs excuse, specially after the Reinhardt and D.va animations. They just want to hide that they simply play favorites when comes to this stuff.

If Mercy is the one getting an animated short, I hope she gets one of her own with her own supporting cast. I don’t want it to be like the McCree one, that was more about Ashe and Echo than him.

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