Will there be any heroes who have had their mind digitized ala Gen:Lock?

If you haven’t checked out Gen:Lock, you should. You’re missing out if you haven’t.

But for the unfamiliar, the premise is that the heroes of Gen:Lock are able to pilot giant mechas by digitizing their minds, letting them become the mecha. No need for cockpits, able to move as articulately as a human being, and all the benefits that come with it. Sweet.

It makes me wonder if Overwatch has similar tech by that time, allowing people to digitize their minds and put them into robotic bodies. While it’s possible that Echo is this sort of thing, we can’t confirm it yet because of Blizzard being intentionally ambiguous (for the moment).

It’d be awesome to have a hero who is like this (albeit not 40-feet tall like in Gen:Lock), as it’d make for some cool story.