Will the smurfing problem ever be addressed?

Honestly, what can you even do when you’re placed in a game and the other team has 5 smurf accounts?
It puzzles me that people have it in them to create other accounts just to bully lower ranked players.
And yes, I asked. They were smurfs.

Well, this helps deal with smurfing a bit.

✅ [Account Merging] Better than RoleBasedSR

-Why are they so strong?
-They are smurfs my friend, they don’t belong to that elo.
Rly? I will revenge them later, when I grow up and get to thier ELO and bang them in the ***

story of how I gitgud

That’s a great suggestion, it might really help in most cases.

When Blizz doesnt want extra money from smurfs and alts.
When people with alt and smurf accounts want the problem to be addressed.

So probably never.

I’d be happy if they at least changed something for us poor console players, they don’t even make extra money with smurfs and alts in console.

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