Will Mercy ever be reverted?

Nah fam, we are allowed to ask questions just as many others are.

No, stop responding if it bothers you so much :slight_smile:

So people are allowed to ask who’s the cutest character in the game but I can’t ask if a revert is a possibility for Mercy? This community sucks…


There becomes a point where “who’s the cutest character in the game?” (if asked over and over again) becomes annoying and stupid. Same thing happens with all these mercy threads. It’s all “revert mercy!1!1!1!” And “mercy’s now dead because blizzard doesn’t care!1!1!1!” It’s annoying and I’m assuming a large majority of the forums are over it.

The whole idea of people accepting threads like that is annoying and stupid…

Blizzard has said they have no plans to.

Its a no.

Its over.

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Well… sorry you feel that way, but guess what, you can actually just SCROLL past the Mercy discussions. You don’t NEED to respond to Mercy forums.

No not really, there are about 13000 posts in the Mercy mega thread, it’s OBVIOUSLY not.

Because it’s only asked once in a while and the threads don’t get much traction meanwhile there’s a new mercy thread popping up every hour recycling the same annoying stuff that the last one had.

Blizzard has also said that Mercy is a solo target healer but here we are… (AoE Heals when in Valkyrie)

Blizzard rarely reverts changes. There have been multiple arguments across various Blizzard game forums as to why is good or bad. That being said, I massively doubt Mercy will ever be changed back. And it’s sad because there are ways to balance mass rez without it being too strong but it was never given a chance.

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Don’t you think there’s a reason why so many threads are being made regarding Mercy?

No, they very much said that mercy never would be reverted.

It’s a yes or no question. They’ve said neither.

Except they did in the previous forum iteration.

THEY HAVE SAID THEY HAVE NO PLANS TO REVERT MERCY. I’m not even pulling this from anywhere its just straight words from blizzard.

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They have also said that they don’t plan to change Mercy but here we are… They legit nerfed her healing.

Would’ve been a MILLION times easier and less time consuming to balance mass res then this sh*tty Ultimate and E ability she has now.

Yes, that was about 4 months ago and the meta shifted from dive to brig comps to goats comp. and they see her as a consistent stronger pick then all the other healers so she deserves it.

Them saying they have no plans to revert her was also months ago and a lot has changed since then. Your whole point is flawed.

No need to go fishing

Revert never happening

Lol, that’s the only thing you can say? And people wonder why I still hold on to the possibility of a revert🙄